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CPU\AMD, AM2 interface Athlon 3000+570
Motherboard \ Onda NF5S¥590
Memory \ weigang honglong 512m \ DDR Ⅱ 667 RMB 370
Graphics card \ Yingtai V7303GT 1 1 590
Hard disk \ 160G, 7200 rpm, 8M cache (serial port) ¥470.
Optical drive \ Pioneer 126e 170
Speaker \ Mai Bo M- 1 1 1 90
Display \ Philips107S7 850
Keyboard and mouse \ Love between the new rich and the beautiful city Ⅲ ¥ 69
Chassis Power Supply \ Hurricane Jinhetian Ⅱ 8197 260 yuan
-The total price is 4029 yuan,
AM2 Athlon 3000+ has always been a CPU with high performance-to-price ratio, and the graphics card is Yingtai 7300GT with high frequency.
The memory menu is 5 12M, and it will be upgraded after funds are available. If you get 1G now,
CPU specifications will be much lower, and game performance will be greatly reduced.