After Zhu Yuanzhang got kowloon cup, he used kowloon cup to entertain the minister of civil and military affairs. Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to reward several confidant ministers, so he filled the wine. Ministers who usually like to make suggestions poured them very shallow wine. On the contrary, the full wine leaked from the bottom of the cup, but the shallow wine didn't. What's going on here? Zhu Yuanzhang was puzzled.
It turns out that there is a passage in kowloon cup. The wine will not flow out when it is not satisfied, but it will flow out when it is full.
1962, a delegation from an eastern European country visited Shanghai, and the host gave a banquet with 36 kowloon cup. The guests all admire kowloon cup very much. After the banquet, the host found that kowloon cup was missing one. It turned out that a foreign guest put this cup in a bag when he was using kowloon cup. This matter was reported to Premier Zhou, who said that he must find a way to get it back to China. Premier Zhou came up with a good idea.
The next night, the host arranged a wonderful acrobatic performance for the foreign guests, one of which was magic. The magician put three kowloon cup on the table and covered it with a cloth. Suddenly, when the cloth was opened, a cup was missing. At this time, the magician walked up to the foreign guest and motioned for him to open his briefcase. In full view, the foreign guest had to open his briefcase and take out kowloon cup! Kowloon cup doesn't mean which cup, but the method of making it. There is an emerald kowloon cup used by Emperor Kangxi in the Forbidden City. This cup is the real kowloon cup!