But I wrote a small code here, hoping to help you.
Local? str? =? [[? {/\ & lt; Img: 132 1:0:0:0 >QFunction \ & lt? Click the image shown by the arrow below and enter recycling/s color = 253>;; \ & lt? /SCOLOR = 13 & gt; & ltimg: 1 134:0:0:0/@ aa 1 & gt; & ltimg: 1 134:0:0:0/@ aa2 & gt; & ltimg: 1 134:0:0:0/@ aa3 & gt; & ltimg: 1 134:0:0:0/@ aa4 & gt; & ltimg: 1 134:0:0:0/@ aa5 & gt; & ltimg: 1 134:0:0:0/@ aa6 & gt; & ltimg: 1 134:0:0:0/@ aa7 & gt; & ltimg: 1304:0:0:0/@ aa8 & gt; & ltimg: 1 139:0:0:0/@ hhhhsss 34230 o 0 & gt; & ltimg: 1305:0:0:0/@ aa & gt; \ \ & ltImg: 132 1:0:0:0 >\}? ]]
For what? Id, match? Are you online? string.gmatch(str," & ltImg:(%d+)。 -@(.-)>)? do
Print (id, match)
End The number 1 1xx and the number after @ are output here for each picture.
All you have to do is judge this and get the value that meets your requirements.