Brief introduction of double happiness red paper
It is said that when Wang Anshi was 23 years old, he went to Beijing to catch the exam and passed by Majia. It was getting late at that time, so Wang Anshi decided to stay in the town and have a rest. Having nothing to do after dinner, he wandered in the street, only to find a lantern hanging outside the house of a large family, which was shining and dazzling. Wang Anshi looked closer and saw a pair of half-painted pairs clearly written on the lamp, which read: "Run the lantern, run the lantern, stop the lantern." Obviously, he is waiting for someone to draw the bottom line.
Wang Anshi couldn't help clapping his hands and saying yes, yes. The housekeeper who stood by immediately went in and told the owner of the house, Mr. Ma, but when he came out, Wang Anshi had disappeared. The next day, Wang Anshi walked into the examination room and handed in the first paper with a stroke of a pen when answering questions. Seeing that he was clever and alert, the examiner sent someone for an interview.
The examiner pointed to the flying tiger flag in front of the main hall, the flying tiger flag, the flag flying, the flag rolled up and the tiger hid. Wang Anshi's mind immediately came up with half a pair of lanterns outside the horse house. He replied without thinking, lanterns go, lanterns stop. He answered correctly quickly and well, which surprised the examiner.