Not only lemons, but also citrus fruits such as oranges and oranges, because the peel contains aromatic hydrocarbons and the main component of balloons is latex, when they meet, violent chemical reactions will occur, which will loosen the substances on the surface of balloons and make the surface of balloons thinner. However, the balloon is full of a lot of gas, which itself is under great pressure. If it is thinned or cracked in one place, its internal pressure will be unstable, and an explosion will occur.
Natural citric acid source
Natural citric acid is widely distributed in nature. Natural citric acid exists in fruits, such as lemons, oranges and pineapples, and in the bones, muscles and blood of animals. Synthetic citric acid is fermented from sugar, molasses, starch, grapes and other sugary substances.
Many kinds of fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, contain more citric acid, especially lemons and limes-they contain a lot of citric acid, and the content can reach 8% after drying (the content in juice is about 47g/L). Among citrus fruits, the citric acid content of citrus and grape is between 0.005 mol/L and 0.30 mol/L of lemon and lime. This content varies with the growth of different cultivated species and plants.