In the story, the kingdom is rich and the people are safe and happy, but the king and queen of this country have hidden worries. The worry is that their eldest daughter Elsa has extraordinary magic. Elsa can easily freeze things and create dreamy ice and snow scenes.
Sister Anna especially likes being with her sister, but an accident happened. While they were playing, elsa accidentally pointed her finger at her sister. The magic of ice and snow froze Anna, and her hair began to turn into the color of snow. Elsa was afraid and blamed herself for holding her and crying.
In order to save Anna, the king and queen found the old troll. He is a magic grandfather who turns stones into magic. Soon, he used magic to awaken Princess Anna. "Your majesty, Princess Anna is all right now, but we can't allow the second accident to happen! Let's separate the two sisters! " The king and queen accepted the advice of the old troll. After returning to the palace, elsa shut himself in his room so as not to hurt his sister any more. Since then, the two sisters are no longer happy to play together. Gradually, Anna forgot that her sister had this magic power, and she couldn't figure out why her sister never left the room to play with her.
Aisha would have lived a freer and better life if she hadn't been afraid of hurting Anna. Love has frozen her mood and controlled her ability ~