If it is a marriage custom, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou and Xiamen in southern Fujian all speak Minnan dialect, and the customs are similar.
When the bride got married, a pair of accompanying chickens went to her husband's house together. When the bride is welcomed into the bridal chamber, the matchmaker or elder sister-in-law puts the rooster and hen under the bed. Then, sprinkle a handful of rice on the ground and say hello to see which one comes out first. The rooster came out first, and everyone said happily, "The first child must be a male." If the hen comes out first, they quickly turn around and say, "It's better for the hen to come out first. Mr. Sister, recruit another brother. "
Many families still use the custom of lifting headscarves. The headscarf is five feet long and has red and black silk. The silk scarf covers the bride's head, short in front and long in back. The bride entered the room and held a towel-raising ceremony. The elder said an auspicious word before lifting the towel: "After lifting it from the past, the two of them will eat old!" "
At the beginning, the groom held a towel corner in his left hand and a folding fan in his right hand. He quickly took off his scarf, stepped on one end of it and motioned for his wife to take care of it and let him run errands. In fact, before the groom lifts the scarf, the bride is ready, puts her hands behind her back, grabs the scarf, wraps it with her index finger and tightens it to prevent the groom from stepping on the scarf. At the moment when the towel is lifted, any party is negligent and can't achieve the goal. It is also possible that the bride and groom have their own opinions, and they will not give in to each other. At this time, the elder sister-in-law came forward to be a "public relative" and casually praised: "Weng Biao is also arrogant (both husband and wife are talented), and one person pulls a head and Zhang Weng is in charge." After that, put away the silk scarf, and the towel lifting ceremony ended in laughter.
Folding clothes and shoes in the middle of the night, the bridal chamber is over, and the bride sits firmly on the edge of the bed. After the husband hung the clothes on the underwear rack of the bed, the bride took off her shoes and gently put them on her husband's shoes, saying, "My shoes broke yours, and you were almost plowed by me." The bride put the shirt on the doctor's clothes again and read another sentence: "I broke your shirt and shouldered the burden for me."
On the morning after the wedding, my sister-in-law or maid of honor invited the bride out of the hall and served the old lady sweet tea. When offering tea, the person accompanying the bride toasted: "Please come out of the hall and listen to your parents." My in-laws smiled and said, "My son is a son, and my daughter-in-law is also a son. The new wife is' within one month'. " It means that the bride is like a baby before the full moon, so she must be taken care of. This sentence shows the love of the elderly. After drinking sweet tea, Weng Po took out a red envelope in return.
There are many and varied customs here in Xiamen, but there are some differences between different families. Generally speaking, it is based on the woman's request. You can formally visit the woman's home first and politely ask her parents what they want. Some easy-going parents will say, "It's good for you to be convenient." That is to say, there is nothing specific, so you can handle it according to the ordinary process. If the other parents are serious, they will make special demands, but you don't understand. Then the other party will not ask for anything, and it will be much simpler on the whole. The process is divided into simple operation and strict operation. Simple operation, you can choose an auspicious day of the ecliptic in the Gregorian calendar, and you and your parents will take four-color cakes (which will be sold to you when asked by the bridal shop) to the woman's house for employment. If the woman's family leaves half and returns it to her, it means that the wedding expenses are shared by both parties. (Generally in Xiamen, male and female families. If all of them are confiscated, the expenses shall be borne by the man. Book a restaurant at least a few months in advance, and start to marry the bride after 00:00 the night before the banquet. Generally, a woman will open the door only after stuffing three or four packets of red envelopes into the door, and one packet of 1200 is enough. The bride needs to put on new clothes from the inside out. Almost. Since she doesn't know anything, the simpler the better, because if she follows the procedure strictly, she will be tired.