Wang Kuang, a person who doesn't know the Three Kingdoms, may not be familiar with this person. He is one of the ten big prince against Dong Zhuo. According to the Great Xia. Wang Kuangyuan is a subordinate of General He Jin. Later, under the command of Blade, 500 strong crossbowmen were recruited from Xuzhou to Beijing. But before Wang Kuang arrived in Beijing, blades was killed by eunuchs. After Dong Zhuo came to power, Wang Kuang was appointed as the Governor of Hanoi. Later, in response to Yuan Shao's crusade against Dong Zhuo, he was defeated in the process of fighting Dong Zhuo's army. Wang Kuang fled to Taishan County and gathered thousands of people. Later, he clashed with Hu Muban, who was in charge of the imperial army, and was killed. Hu Muban's family was furious when they learned that, so they called relatives and soldiers to attack Wang Kuang with Cao Cao, and Wang Kuang was defeated and died.
2: Xu Gongmen killed Sun Ce.
Xu Gong was the satrap of Wu Jun, and Sun Ce led the army to attack Jiangdong. In just a few years, Jiangdong was pacified, and Xu Gong became Sun Ce's "guest". After Sun Ce occupied Jiangdong, Xu Gong has been plotting to recapture Wu Jun and drive Sun Ce away, so he secretly wrote a letter to Cao Cao to remind him that Sun Ce and Xiang Yu are very similar and must be strictly guarded. Who knows this letter was finally intercepted by Sun Ce, and Sun Ce was furious when he knew that Xu Gong colluded with Cao Cao, so he executed Xu Gong. After Xu Gong's death, his public servants have been looking for opportunities to avenge him. Once Sun Ce went hunting and was followed by Xu Gong's servant. They finally seized the opportunity for Sun Ce to be alone. Xu Gong's three public servants attacked Sun Ce together, and Sun Ce was very brave. The three men couldn't help taking Sun Ce's life at the moment. Later, Qin Bing came from Sun Ce and killed all three civil servants. Although Sun Ce was not killed by Xu Gong's public servant, he was also affected in his meeting with the three men.
3: Liu Bei attacked Wu to avenge Guan Yu.
The two revenge incidents mentioned above are all related to Dachuan's personal grievances, but after reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, we know that Liu Bei's revenge against Wu can be said to be a sensational revenge incident, which is related to the physical survival of the two countries. The result of Liu Bei's revenge for Guan Yu was another fiasco of Shu. Not only did Guan Yu's revenge fail, but Shu was also weakened. Liu Bei died less than a year after taking revenge, which can be said to be the biggest revenge action in the Three Kingdoms period and the most unsuccessful one. Liu Bei's own life almost came to an end.