There are ten video filter effects in the Transform Video Filter Effects group.
. . Camera view (camera perspective)
The effect of this video filter is to imitate a camera to shoot a clip from different angles. Imagine a sphere, the object is located in the center of the sphere and the camera is located on the surface of the sphere. By controlling the camera position, the shape of the segmented image may be distorted. It is a time-varying multi-directional video filter effect with perspective effect.
Longitude moves the camera in the horizontal direction, making the clip look like it is rotating horizontally; Latitude (latitude) moves the camera in the vertical direction, making the clip look like it is selected vertically; Roll (rotation) rotates the camera to break the film as if it were rotating in a plane; The focal length changes the focal length of the camera lens. The shorter the focal length, the wider the field of view; The longer the focal length, the narrower the field of view, but the closer the viewing angle; Distance specifies the distance from the camera to the center of the sphere; Zoom to enlarge or reduce the clip; Fill specifies the fill color of the space left after the clip is twisted; Fill the Alpha channel Select this check box to make the background transparent so that clips can be easily superimposed with other clips.
2. Trimming and cutting (trimming raw edges)
The effect of these two video filters can trim the original edge of the image caused by the digital image acquisition card. Using the slider, four edges will be trimmed separately. Pruning can be set in pixels or percentages. After trimming the front edge in this way, four blank edges will be left, and the edge part cannot be eliminated, so it can only be replaced by other same colors. If you want to keep the trimmed clip at a standard size, you should use the crop video filter effect to trim it.
Clip and Crop are both time-varying video filter effects, and their trimming functions are similar except for edge processing. One is to leave a blank margin, and the other is to automatically resize, so the application meaning is different. Figs. 7-89 and 7-90 are comparison diagrams of the effects of these two pruning results. It can be seen that the cut-and-paste stunt can only be used on the fragments with small edge adjustment range, and it is only needed when a certain color is not needed; The cropping stunt can be applied to a picture many times, and the full-screen effect of a local image can be obtained, just like enlarging a photo fragment.
3. Horizontal flip and vertical flip
This video filter effect will flip the picture left and right or up and down 180 degrees, just like the mirror inversion effect. After the picture is scrolled, it still plays in the positive sequence.
4. Maintain horizontally and vertically.
The effect of this video filter can adjust the picture to an inclined picture, and the picture can be tilted to the left and right or up and down by using the slider adjustment, as shown in Figure 7-92. It is a time-varying video filter effect, so it can be set to tilt at the beginning and normal at the end. It may be used in some movie stunts.
5. Image translation (image snapshot)
This video filter effect is a typical time-varying video filter effect, which simulates the shooting effect of camera lens. For example, in order to highlight a certain part of the picture, we can scan the lens from other parts of the picture and gradually locate it in the highlighted focus part, as shown in Figure 7-93. Because it simulates the effect of a camera, even a static picture will produce a strong dynamic and far-near perspective effect. Only when the resolution of the image is enlarged to a certain extent will it be blurred, so it can't really reach a clearer state at close range. This video filter effect can be used to design scrolling subtitles of overlapping clips.
In the source screen on the left side of the image translation setting dialog box, you can set the position and size of the effect picture frame of the clip. Notice the small white squares at the four corners of the two source images. Use the left mouse button to adjust the position and size of the input and output images, or enter the size values matching the actual image output in the top (upper edge), left (left) and width (height) text boxes in the lower left corner to define the position and size of the images. When the mouse pointer is located near the four corners of the source screen, the pointer will change into a finger shape. At this point, you can resize the input or output box by dragging. When the mouse pointer is in the middle of the adjusted input or output box, the pointer will become a hand. At this point, you can adjust the position of the output image frame by dragging.
6. Resize (resize)
The effect of this video filter can change the original picture size. If several video filter effects act on a clip at the same time, the other video filter effects are invalid, that is, when the original image has no video filter effect.
7. Scroll (scroll)
The effect of this video filter can be selected from four directions: up, down, left and right, so that the picture can be moved up, down, left and right (usually called scrolling).
7.3. 13 video filter effect group video
There are three video filter effects in the Video Filter Effects group.
1.broadcastcolors (propagation color)
The effect of this video filter is to change the color value of pixels, so that clips can be displayed correctly in TV series. Computers use different combinations of red, green and blue to display other colors. Video devices such as televisions use different composite signals to display colors. Home video equipment cannot produce signals above a certain amplitude, and computer-generated colors can easily exceed this amplitude. The signal amplitude is measured in IRE, and the maximum possible transmission amplitude is 120IRE. Using broadcast color effects can reduce the brightness or saturation of computer-generated colors to a safe value. 2. Field interpolation (field interpolation)
The effect of this video filter can use the average effect between scans to interpolate scan lines lost during image capture. If serious flicker is found in the process of making full-screen movie output debugging, the effect of this video filter can be applied to make up for this shortcoming. 3. Reduce InterlaceFlicker.
The effect of this video filter can reduce the high vertical frequency and make the image suitable for interlaced scanning settings (such as NTSC video) again. For example, images with thin horizontal lines will appear annoying flicker when played on TV. Reducing the flicker effect of interlaced scanning can soften the horizontal edge and reduce flicker.
7.3. 14 QuickTime video filter effect group
There is only one video filter effect in the QuickTime video filter effect group.
1.An audio and video file format developed by Apple.
Premiere will provide this video filter effect if QuickTime 4 or later is installed. The method of applying Premiere effect is the same as that of applying it. However, you must adjust the effect in the QuickTime dialog box, which appears when you first apply the effect or click Settings in the Effect Control panel, as shown in Figure 7- 100. For more details about this effect, please run QuickTime Player and refer to online QuickTime Player help or Apple technical support.