First of all, you have to determine the date, which day is it, which day is 10 month, and then go to the hotel to ask if this date is set. If not, you can look at the place where the ceremony was held. If you like it, pay the deposit quickly! Generally speaking, the wedding banquet in Tanggu should be booked about 1 year in advance, but it is not absolute. I got married at the end of last year 10, and booked a hotel at the end of August. Because there was something wrong with the hotel I booked before, I changed my place, but the choice was much smaller! Many overlord clauses in the hotel can only be accepted! I can book this hotel, but the one I originally booked canceled my reservation!
There are Zhou Ji seafood in Hebei Road, Zhou Ji family in Fudelong, Linhai fishing village at the intersection of Hehe North Road in Fuzhou, Qianpin Fishery House in Guangzhou Road, Daibisi Bay (big ship), Juchuan Business Hotel in Hangzhou Road, millions of foreign goods, and a small fisherman in today's fishing village and Xingang. Millions is too much. These are quite famous. Please advise the landlord to ask clearly as soon as possible.