Second, newcomers provide, purchase or lease. If it is bought, there is no need to give other gifts or service fees to the bridesmaids. If you rent it, you still have to pay the maid of honor to accompany you; This is also mentioned by friends. It is said that the cost is quite high, and the closer to you, the higher the cost. In addition, if there are a large number of bridesmaids, they can only buy or rent them, because the clothes should be unified. Generally speaking, the number of bridesmaids in outdoor weddings can account for the majority.
Third, bridesmaids' dresses will be provided when the couple orders a wedding dress or a wedding. It depends on your budget, whether to buy or rent. Generally speaking, buy when it is cheap and rent when it is expensive. At present, there are bridesmaids in clothing wholesale places such as Dahongmen, and the price of clothing ranges from tens to more than 1,000 yuan. However, the pig thinks that the wedding is only for one day, and it is enough to buy one around 100.