Jia Guifei was demoted by Qianlong several times, and because of great joy and great sorrow, Jia Guifei's children were born and died, and the prince who was thinking day and night was also called into the palace by the emperor; However, I was put into the warning department and stood the test. But because the warning punishment department is too dark, I am worried that even if I am cured, I will still be a disabled person. At this time, Jiang He is like Kui Xin, a good husband's family. Therefore, Ruyi tried her best to make Kwai Xin beautiful, and Li Choi Wha, who had been silently in love with Kwai Xin, also sent her good wishes. In every Gong Dou play, the hostess must be accompanied by a loyal maid. Kuixin is considered to be the strongest brand of this maid, because she is the only maid who left the palace alive among all the participating concubines.
After Kuixin left the palace, Sister Rong watched many ups and downs in the palace online. Yi Ru hated Jia Guifei because of lust after becoming a queen, and everyone targeted her. In the following process, Sister Rong followed Ruyi and realized that she and Jia Guifei were tied together. Sister Rong replaced Kwai Xin as an important member of Ruyi, but her appearance did not stop Ruyi's decline. First of all, because of the appearance of ChristianRandPhillips, the relationship between Qianlong and Ruyi has broken down; Besides, there are more misunderstandings between Gan Long and Yi Ru. Finally, feminism in Yi Ru's heart began to awaken slowly. She has been completely disappointed in Qianlong, and this relationship is no longer what she wants.
So even if the two still have so-called mutual affection, such as Yi, there is not much struggle. It is quite useless to punish her in various ways and even minimize Yi's treatment in the end. Ruyi died at the age of 48 after being abandoned for one year. There was no announcement and no corresponding funeral ceremony, and finally she was buried in the tomb of the pure imperial concubine. Both of them gave up on each other. Soul-to-soul marriage also indicates the beginning of a new round of court struggle, but this time it has become the target of public criticism.