Banquet: yán xí: refers to the seats displayed at the banquet. Generally refers to a banquet. ?
Banquet: yàn Xi: Banquet for guests. ?
Second, the ancient meaning is different.
"Banquet" refers to the banquet, and "banquet" refers to the seats and furnishings on the banquet.
Before the Middle Ages, there were no chairs and stools, so we sat on the floor. Therefore, in the life of the ancients, mats became a very important living appliance, and sitting, lying and living were indispensable, which led to many sayings related to mats.
Extended data:
Sit on the mat and spread the floor. In ancient times, banquets were placed below and seats were placed above.
Zhou Li Chun Guan Guan Xu: "Corporal Si Jiyan." Zheng Xuan's Note: "Tell a story about a banquet, and tell a banquet." Jia's Gong Yanshu: "The way to set a seat is to set a banquet first, and the last one is a seat." Sun Yirang Justice: "The banquet is long and short. The banquet is placed below, sitting on the table and letting people sit on it."
Liu Zongyuan's Story of the Stone Canyon in the Tang Dynasty: "If the stone is the bottom, it will reach two sides. If it is a hall, if it is a banquet. "
A whole set of dishes at a banquet is called a banquet. Because banquet is the core of a banquet, people often regard these two words as synonyms.
Banquet-Baidu Encyclopedia