The queue for receiving relatives is usually very long. The staff here include people who play suona, carry sedan chairs and sing operas. The sedan chair can't be empty. There must be a child in it. The old man called the child a sedan chair. When the sedan chair comes to her house, she can't come out at will. The bride's family must seduce her with a red envelope before the child can come out. If the child thinks that the red envelope is too small to take out, then the bride's family must give a bigger red envelope until the child is satisfied.
When the bride is taken home, the most important thing is to pay tribute to her family. In our country, the man with a microphone is called Daqi, which means he knows everything. The young couple must listen to the voice of understanding to complete these actions. Many children watch it when they worship heaven and earth, which is very popular. In fact, before paying homage to heaven and earth, the bride will prepare some small change and give it to these children after getting off the sedan chair. This is called a red envelope. If you don't give red envelopes, children have the right to make trouble.
There is a custom in my hometown that if a family holds a wedding, the whole village will attend. All the men, women and children in the village are involved, and they all want to join in. Shooting is of course the children's favorite program. If a village has a married family, the children in this village are as happy as the Spring Festival.