A fool can't be emperor. Even if he is an emperor, he is also a puppet. A wise man cannot be an emperor. There are many wise people in history, but wisdom often turns into mistakes. Because he can be a good emperor and use his ministers as guns, he often ignores the emperor politically, fearing that there will be no second emperor except Jiajing in history.
It makes sense that Jiajing can't be emperor, because his father is a vassal. Jiajing, whose real name is Zhu Xing, is the second son of Shiyuan. Unfortunately, the old emperor's cousin had no son, so ministers pushed him to the forefront: "The younger brother of Gao Xiao Emperor Kang Jing dedicated the second son of the wise, kind and filial king to him, and made great contributions. He followed the ancestral teachings, brothers' articles, and talked about ancestral temples. Please ask Empress Dowager Cixi to discuss with hundreds of civil and military officials at home and abroad, say a word, and immediately send officials to Beijing to meet and inherit the throne. " From then on, he entered Beijing at the age of fifteen and began to sit in the world.
The new emperor is a man who loves truth and has a strong will. When he becomes emperor, he plans to approve his biological father to become emperor. As a result, all the ministers United against it. Because of this, there was a three-and-a-half-year dispute between Emperor Jiajing and five old ministers headed by Yang Tinghe and Mao, which was to test the imperial power system of Emperor Jiajing and his biological father. Despite opposition from courtiers, Emperor Jiajing pursued his biological father, Xian Di, and made him emperor. His biological mother is the Queen Mother of Xingguo. It was renamed Emperor Xiaozong and called "Huang Bokao". In September of the seventeenth year of Jiajing, Xing was named "Zhihong, Ren Kuan, Mu Chunsheng and Polite". Xing memorial tablet rose to the ancestral temple above Wuzong, and Xing tomb was changed to apparition. The ceremony ended with the victory of Emperor Jiajing.
Emperor Jiajing was never an easy-going master. The minister who stopped him killed him, killed him, demoted him and locked him up. Of course, many officials have been promoted, mainly because they look pleasing to the eye and are practical. For example, Zhang Cong, Gui Calyx and others, from then on, Emperor Jiajing acted arbitrarily and did many great things. Amnesty, extermination of eunuchs, rectification of Chaogang, killing Qian Ning, Jiang Bin and other Chen Ningren, made the government look brand-new; Reduce silver rent, rectify taxes and services, and alleviate famine; Explore Huang Zhuang, find strange manor, return farmland to the people, and encourage agricultural weaving; Compassionate, distinctive and good at managing government affairs; Suppress the enemy, destroy foreign enemies, and rectify the border defense. The content is extensive and the effect is remarkable. At that time, it "ruled the whole world".
People should always be proud. Their country was so well managed, the people's life was so comfortable, and the ministers were so obedient that Emperor Jiajing began to enjoy life. However, he seems to be different. He wants to know his destiny in life. Make friends with the host: fs3360, free fortune telling! Jing doesn't like doing absurd things like his brother Ming Wuzong. He likes Taoism. He wants to live in his dream forever, and can't make elixir of life in the palace all day. Maybe you think it is just a plaything, but it is not. Although Emperor Jiajing was with Taoist priests every day, his head and melon seeds were so bright that no minister in North Korea could escape his eyes. During the reign of Jiajing, Yang, Zhang Cong, Xu Jie, even the wily Yan Song and Hu Zongxian, and even Yang Shen, a great genius among kittens, dared to play tricks on Emperor Jiajing and wanted to scold him to death, or were sold money by Emperor Jiajing to play with him.
The best thing about Emperor Jiajing is that he is a fifteen-year-old minister of civil and military affairs. At that time, Emperor Jiajing was the son of a king. Although the minister made him emperor, it was not the root cause after all. Officials let him enter the palace from Dong 'anmen and live in Wenhua Hall. But Zhu Xiao didn't want to do this, so he just wanted to go to Fengtian Temple from Daming Gate. Ministers prevented them from leaving. They pretended that dead mice didn't catch a cold and said that you were going to Daming G.
Jia Jing is really helpless. He stepped back and shouted, "If you don't let me cross the Daming Gate, I will go back to Anlu." Lu is my hometown. If you don't let me out of Daming Gate, I won't be the emperor.
There is really no choice, because Zhu Hou _ is the only correct candidate, which is different from Tsai Ing-Wen's campaign for regional leaders in Taiwan Province Province. When the ministers found it difficult to handle, they simply surrendered. The most striking thing is that Zhang Cong entered Hanlin College. At that time, Zhang Cong's official position was very low, and he disagreed with everyone. Many people refuse to accept it. This is because the emperor asked for the title of biological father, which pleased Jiajing, but ministers opposed Zhang Cong because they didn't want qualifications and background. The only thing you don't lack is impudence. Yang Shen, a young man in particular, mobilized many ministers to fight against Zhang Cong. Zhang Cong is not dead. Jiajing was furious because he was not afraid of death and demanded punishment. But to his surprise, the ministers were fearless and knelt down and cried. The little emperor can't stand it. Finally, he went to court, and there was a river of blood. Many ministers were killed in court. Since then, many people have known the power of the little emperor.
Emperor Jiajing reigned for nearly 46 years, which was the budding period of capitalism in China. It is generally believed that this is an era of very active economy, the development of agricultural technology and production, and the large-scale development of textiles and handicrafts. Although Emperor Jiajing did not go to court, Yan Song was in office for more than 20 years. But as long as Emperor Jiajing made a move, a decree made Yan Song lose his official position, even his own son, and other princes and ministers. Emperor Jiajing knew them like the back of his hand. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call Emperor Jiajing the smartest emperor in the history of the Ming Dynasty, because although he did not go to court, his power never fell into the hands of others.