The method and etiquette of dipping wine have strict requirements and specific norms. When dipping in wine, you should first propose a toast to your ancestors and guests, and then dip in wine. This is a way to show your respect. Pay attention to your posture when dipping in wine. Dip the glass slowly from a small handleless wine cup, take a sip and taste the fragrance of the wine. If you don't drink much, you don't need to dip too much wine. In a word, you should consider both etiquette and your capacity for drinking.
Dipping in wine is not only an act in the process of drinking, but also a good carrier to convey people's thinking and outlook on life. Every time you dip in wine, you need to feel it with your heart and find the true meaning of life. In the process of dipping wine, it embodies the humanistic spirit of respect, harmony, gratitude and sharing, and makes people realize the value and significance of life. Therefore, in today's social occasions, the custom of dipping in wine is still loved and passed down by the public.