Dalongzui Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of hushan town, Rongcheng City, Weihai City, Shandong Province. The urban and rural classification code is 220. The zoning code is 37 108211240, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 371082. The postal code is 264200, and the long distance area code is 063 1. The license plate numbers are Lu K. Dalongzui Village and Yongxing Community, Yunxing Community, Gushan Community, Shengquan Community, Jinqujia Community, Huangshan Village, Qiaotouzhuang Village, Huangshan Wang Jiacun Village, Taishang Village, Fuluoshan Village, Shijiabo Village, Qijia Village, Dongshuangmiao Village, Beizhaizihou Village, Nanzhaizihou Village, Xiaodian Village, Shijianzi Village and Quedao Village, etc.
Near Dalongzui Village, there are tourist attractions such as Chishan Scenic Area, Chengshantou Scenic Area, Xixiakou Scenic Area, Naxianghai Scenic Area and Shendiaoshan Wildlife Nature Reserve, and there are specialty products such as Rongcheng Peanut, Rongcheng Kelp, Rongcheng Ficus, Weihai Kelp and Weihai Ficus.