Travels around the Flying House is the tenth animated film of Pixar Animation Studio in 2009 and the first 3D film. The film tells the moving story of 78-year-old Mr. Carl's determination to take his house with his wife Ellie to heaven in order to keep his promise to his beloved wife.
This plot is approximate.
The protagonist is Carl Fredrickson, a 78-year-old man. When Carl was a child, he met Ellie, a girl who had the same dream. They grew up together in towns in the Midwest and finally got married. Ellie always dreamed of exploring South America, but she died before the opportunity came.
Now, government officials plan to build skyscrapers and ask Carl to move out of his residence. Finally, Carl decided to fulfill Ellie's promise and leave for South America with the house. Unexpectedly, Russell, an eight-year-old Asian boy scout, accidentally ran into the flying house in order to collect the last badge to help the elderly. Thus, two strangers, an old man and a young man, will face dangerous terrain and unpredictable crisis and embark on an adventure journey in the wilderness jungle.
It didn't take long to meet a storm on the road. In a panic, Carl woke up again and found himself near the fairyland waterfall in South America. So they went to the valley on foot, met Kevin, a rare colorful bird who loves chocolate, and Doug, a talking dog, and embarked on a journey together. Later, it was discovered that Kevin was the target of the dog. The owner of the dog was Charles Muntz, an adventurer whom Carl admired as a child. In order to prove the existence of the giant bird to the world, Muntz hunted here for many years. When he realized that Carl had concealed the truth about the giant bird, he attacked it. With the help of this little guy, I was able to escape from those dogs.
Carl wanted to reach Wonderland Falls as soon as possible to fulfill Ellie's wish, but Kevin was bitten in the foot to save everyone. Ronaldinho thinks he should take Kevin back to her children first. Carl hesitated to compromise and took Kevin away first. The tracker on Scampy let Muntz find them quickly and set fire to Carl's house. Carl hastily chose to put out the fire, which led Kevin to be taken away by Muntz. His beloved house was burned down, and he ignored his promise with Ronaldinho, rescued Kevin and went to Wonderland Waterfall persistently. After arriving, Carl stopped to read Ellie's adventure diary, only to realize that Ellie had experienced a lifetime of adventure with him, and it was time for him to start another new journey.
When Carl woke up, he decided to rescue Kevin with Ronaldinho, but Ronaldinho tied a balloon and went alone because Carl didn't keep his oath. In order to make the heavy house float again, Carl left all the furniture at home and everything behind to chase Muntz's flying boat. Subsequently, Carl, Ronaldinho and Xiaodou broke into the airship and successfully rescued Kevin, while Muntz fell from the jungle in the fight and Carl's house was lost here. Finally, Kevin was sent back smoothly, and the two took Xiaoxiao home by flying boat. At the badge awarding ceremony, Carl personally pinned Ali's exclusive badge on Ronaldinho, and the two also lived together. Carl and Ellie's flying house were lucky enough to stay on Wonderland Waterfall, realizing Ellie's wish.