A banquet held to celebrate the wedding. In China, wedding banquets are usually called wedding banquets. In the west, wedding banquets are usually held after the wedding. China's wedding and reception were held together in the man's home. The wedding is held before the wedding reception, and the wedding reception in modern China is usually held in the restaurant after the wedding.
You can consult Huajia Lishe about the wedding banquet. Hua Jia Li She dares to explore and innovate. After repeated creative collision and concept fusion, a visual art wedding more suitable for a new generation of young people was established. From venue construction to various software and hardware designs, to wedding services, even every photo you get will strictly guarantee high standards, high quality and high efficiency, and interpret high-end significance in many ways.
For more questions, please contact Huajia Lishe customer service!
Marriage is legally called marriage. It refers to a civil legal act in which both husband and wife establish a spouse relationship according to the conditions and proced