"The king cuts the road, the wise man cuts the hand, and the warrior cuts the plan." What do you mean?
Wang said, the king here does not refer to the emperor or the king, but to the highest rank and the highest political wisdom. Cutting, in Chinese characters, is usually understood as crusade. In fact, it contains the meaning of application and practice, and Tao refers to the objective law of the development of things. That is what we usually call following the trend. It should be said that the highest political wisdom is to follow the trend. Conforming to the objective law of the development of things is king. The hardest thing is to recognize this situation. Therefore, kingship is also the highest political wisdom, because few people can recognize the situation and adapt to it. Whoever has the highest political wisdom is the king. Secondly, it is a smart person. Wise people use more diplomatic means when using political wisdom. The communication mentioned here is a broad concept, which can be diplomacy, socialization, transaction, substitution or simpler understanding. It is equal communication and balance in power mechanics. A warrior is just a general concept, just one level lower than a wise man, and can also be regarded as a brave man or a military commander. For this group of people, the highest political wisdom is to use strategy. The strategy is divided into two parts, conspiracy and conspiracy. It can be seen that conspiracy is not only the last strand of political wisdom, but also accounts for only one-sixth of political wisdom at most. If we hold this view, we can understand that Zhuge Liang is so good at strategy, but he cannot unify two-thirds of the world. We regard Zhuge Liang as the most intelligent person in the world, but we can't explain why this world is the most intelligent person in the world, so why can't it be unified? The fundamental reason is that the so-called first wisdom is actually the third wisdom, but it is actually only the last stream. Zhuge Liang can't unify the whole country because he lacks the first wisdom, seldom has the second wisdom and is used to the third wisdom. In contrast, Cao Cao is better at being king. However, because we highly admire Zhuge Liang's wisdom, we deliberately discredit the king and belittle the balance. This is actually a literati technique, which is created for the needs of writing. Historical Records and Romance of the Three Kingdoms are just novels, but they are read by us as textbooks of history, culture and even philosophy. -Excerpt from "No.2 Chief"