First of all. Transportation is difficult.
Liu Beishun went eastbound along the Yangtze River, and Zhuge Liang went northbound along the Shu Road. It goes without saying that trenches cannot be mended. Liu Bei made full preparations for conquering Jingzhou and went hand in hand with land and water. Zhuge Liang was not so lucky. Although he is an expert in invention and creation, the grain in Sichuan has to pass through Shu Road, and the grain in Hanzhong has to be cut off from Chang 'an to get out of Qishan.
For another example, when you cut wood, is it easier to split it from top to bottom along the fiber texture or to cut it horizontally? You can understand the transportation difficulty of the Northern Expedition and the Eastern Expedition by experiencing it.
Second. Depth problem.
When I was a child, I saw the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and I saw that Soochow was seeking peace and returning prisoners. I thought that Sun Quan was scared by Liu Bei. However, when I grew up, I looked at the map and realized that Liu Bei was burned by Lu Xun soon after he left Sichuan.
Looking at Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, we always say Qishan, Qishan, it is not a mountain, it is a mountain range, which spans between Shu and Wei. In the first Northern Expedition, Liangzhou was basically won by Zhuge Liang. As a result, Cao Wei assembled the strongest lineup and returned to his hometown. Note that it is not because of the canteen, but because Cao Wei hit the street pavilion seven inches deep.
Third. The question of when to fight.
Less than a year after Liu Bei's expedition, Zhuge Liang was killed.
As we all know, the longer it takes to supply the army with rations, the greater the consumption. Zhuge Liang went out of Qishan seven times, and the commissary logistics was not as good as once. In addition to cattle and horses, he also robbed wheat fields in wei ren to support the war. Wei Jun, of course, will stick to the tactics of clearing the immigrant rear area. In the long run, the west will be torn to pieces. Zhuge Liang basically had no good plans except to implement military camps to reduce the financial burden of the country. So Zhuge Liang told him before he died not to go to the Northern Expedition after his death.
Fourth. Politics.
Liu Bei moved eastward, leaving Zhuge Liang to rule Shu and Zhao Yun to stay in the town. Most of the Eastern Expedition Corps fell behind. National unity and high morale. In the era of Zhuge Liang, when the famous soldiers were dying, Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, Ma Dai and Deng Zhiquan were included in the list of the Northern Expedition.
Liu Bei's crusade is to lift the power of the whole country. Although Zhuge Liang is nationwide, it is a bit difficult to lift it.
A prime minister did not develop production at home, but moved his official position to Hanzhong, holding heavy troops. What do you want? Some people will slander North Korea, even if Zhuge Liang keeps the court in good order, others have ulterior motives. Don't say what you want to say.
Someone must be dissatisfied with Zhuge Liang, and someone must be full of complaints about the northern expedition of labor. Occasionally, man-made disasters cause logistics supply. Zhuge Liang will also rectify the management of officials through logistics problems. For example, Zhuge Liang impeached Li Yan. Some people say that Li Yan delayed logistics for personal gain. However, I think Li Yan was liquidated by Zhuge Liang because he delayed logistics and sought personal gain.
Fifth. Jingzhou is different from Liang Yong.
Liu Bei's crusade was to recover Jingzhou's homeland. Although Zhuge Liang tried to revive the Han Dynasty, it was difficult to change the nature of aggression against Liang Yong. For example, the difference between the returning delegation and the Japanese army.
People in Jingzhou will feel friendly when they see Liu Beijun. Ah, you're back.
Liang Yongren will feel a sense of fear when he sees Zhuge Jun. Ah, the robbery is coming again!
Therefore, the support received by the Eastern Expedition and the Northern Expedition during the campaign was also fundamentally different.