The Republic of Cameroon, commonly known as Cameroon, is a unified republic in central and western Africa, bordering Nigeria in the west, Chad and Central Africa in the northeast and east, and Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and the Republic of Congo in the south.
Almost all kinds of African cultures are staged here, and the forms of marriage are even more varied, such as monogamy, polygamy and wife inheritance. There is a strange marriage in Cameroon, that is, a son can inherit his father's wife, and a younger brother can inherit his brother's wife and even children. Its purpose is to prevent a father's wife or a brother's wife from marrying a stranger and taking away property. Of course, this inheritance is not mandatory and requires the consent of both parties. But the director is an exception. According to tradition, after the death of the old chief, the son chief naturally inherits the title, power and property of the father chief, as well as all his wives and children.