First, ancient women paid attention to three obedience and four virtues, and their appearance was not easy to be appreciated by others.
In ancient times, women's status was very low. Before marriage, they must listen to their father, and after marriage, they must listen to their husbands' instructions. Chastity is the most important thing for women. Before they got married, they seldom went out in sedan chairs. In fact, it's not that they have problems with their legs and feet, but that they dare not let others see their looks. If she is accused of being unruly because of propaganda, the woman will have to jump into the river and choose to sit in a sedan chair for the sake of fame.
Second, rich girls are beautiful. If they appear in public, they will be remembered by thieves.
In ancient times, not all women could go out in sedan chairs. Sedan chairs are full of rich women or bureaucratic women. These women are usually beautiful. If they go out without a sedan chair, they will be missed by the bad guys because of their looks. If these things really cause trouble, the woman's life will be ruined, so for safety reasons, they will choose to take a sedan chair or carriage when they go out.
Third, going out is generally a long journey. I'm afraid it's hard to walk far without a sedan chair.
In fact, there is another reason why ancient women sat in sedan chairs, that is, they went out for too long to do business. In ancient times, women usually went to the mountains to worship Buddha or go for an outing in the suburbs. These places are generally remote and hard places. If they take Miss Jiao's leg, it is estimated that it will not get dark. In order to get to where they want to go quickly, they will choose to take a sedan chair, which is both safe and convenient.
But it must be emphasized that in ancient times, only women from rich families could enjoy the treatment of going out in sedan chairs, while women from poor families went out on their own feet.