The name is a code name that accompanies the child's life. A loud and auspicious name can bring corresponding good luck. The proportion of modern people changing their names is also increasing, which shows how important names are. Therefore, parents will think twice before naming their children, and be cautious. The name of a boy with a nice name, xiàngháo, means the same as each other.
And appearance, appearance, etc. Shi Hao lived for 30 years. A lifetime; A lifetime. World, world, world. It can be named: Shijie Shi Chao. The word "háopéi" refers to the soil cultivated and accumulated on the foundation. Hao Jing Jing means quiet and respect, but it mainly means peace and stability without change or turbulence; Used as a verb to calm down and stabilize order.
Scenery is generally associated with the country and is a good word to express one's life ambition. Shháo is the floorboard of trees, and later it refers to planting, building and setting. Most of the tree characters in names use their extended meanings.