Buyi people in Luoping, where Buyi people live together, like to live with water. It is mainly distributed in the valleys and dams in the upper reaches of Jiulong River, Doyle River, Huangni River and Nanpanjiang River in Luoping County. The residence is a suspended building with Gan Lan style, which is simple in structure, beautiful and practical. Buyi etiquette Buyi people are warm and hospitable, generous and sincere. All relatives and friends who come to the cottage and are old and don't know will treat each other with wine. Buyi people are polite and don't welcome rude guests. When visiting Buyi people's homes, you must not touch shrines and altars, and the ding beside the fire pit is also forbidden to trample. Buyi people are used to honoring guests with wine, and guests should drink a little more or less. No one can touch or cut down the mountain gods and big arhats in Buyi villages.
Buyi Li must be given an even number. Buyi clothing Buyi people live in villages near Pingba or river valley, and both men and women like to wear blue, blue, black and white cloth. Young and middle-aged men often wear headscarves, double-breasted jackets (or large-breasted jackets), headscarves and trousers. Most elderly people wear double-breasted jackets or long skirts. Women's clothes vary from place to place. Some people wear right-breasted clothes, trousers or pleated skirts, silver bracelets, earrings, collars and other jewels. Some like to embroider clothes, while others like to wrap their heads with white towels.
Buyi girls have a batik aura since childhood. Most of the clothes they wear are hand-sewn, which fit well and are simple and generous. Buyi people's marriage customs Buyi people's marriage is monogamous. Marriage with the same surname or surname is strictly prohibited. It also maintains the custom of uncles and aunts getting married and the system of brothers and sisters changing houses. Young men and women are free to fall in love before marriage. With the help of annual festivals, fairs and group gatherings, three or five people can freely combine with seven or eight people to talk and laugh and sing each other's feelings. A man has a crush on a girl. Traditionally, he had to find a third party as a partner, and everything else was introduced by his sister-in-law. If the woman has this intention, she can meet alone in a quiet place, further sing folk songs and express friendship.
It is not until the two sides exchange tokens that they form a lifelong alliance. Buyi's March is full of songs. March 3rd, also known as the Ground Silkworm Club, is a traditional festival of Buyi people. In order to worship the ground silkworm, the hillside was sprinkled with fried corn and folk songs were sung to pray for a bumper harvest. Now, the silkworm society has evolved into a song meeting on March 3. Every year on the third day of the third lunar month, Buyi people gather in Sanjiangkou, or go on stage to play throat songs, or go into the jungle to make love with each other with wooden leaves, or men and women join hands to sing along the river. Hit it off, give each other tokens, and then both of them disappeared into the depths of the forest. The Yi people in Luoping County are strict in family style, straightforward in character, courteous and hospitable. Eat only a little every time you kill a pig, and then marinate it all for the guests.
When guests come home, they usually eat. The guests left and stayed enthusiastically, but they couldn't stay. They must cook a farewell dish. Guests' dishes are also called ten kinds of dishes, including pickled pork heart, pork liver, pork belly, pork intestines, pork loin, ribs, tenderloin, neck meat and fat meat. Among them, neck meat cut into triangles, together with ribs and fat meat, are the three most popular Fujian dishes. Guests should eat farewell dishes from the outside.