Li Wang made the jade man meet him, and the jade man said, "Stone also." The king regarded harmony as a dead hole, but gouged out his left foot.
Qiu, acceded to the throne. And the prince of Wu, who gave him humble service.
King Wu made the Jade Man meet him and said, "Shi Ye." The king also died of harmony and cut off his right foot.
When Qiu was in office, King Wen ascended the throne. He Nai cried at the foot of Chushan Mountain, held it in his arms for three days and three nights, and the tears ran out, followed by blood.
Wang Wenzhi, who made people ask him why, said, "There are many gaps in the world, and Zi Xi is sad to cry?" He said, "I'm not sad. I am sorry for my husband Baoyu. My surname is Shi and my surname is Zhen, so I am sad. " Wang Nai made the jade people manage the treasures, so he ordered: "The treasure of He Shen."
Because Heshibi comes from Jingshan, it is also called "Jingshan Jade" by later generations. For example, there is a saying in the Book of the Three Kingdoms and Yang Zude: "Everyone claims to hold snake beads, and everyone claims to hold Jingshanyu." Because the story of Bian He offering jade is widely circulated in later generations, "I don't know Jingshan jade with eyes" has become a household saying and allusion with the spread of the story.
For example, the 21st time in Jin Ping Mei: "I was in a daze in Ximen Qing for a while, and I didn't know what to say. I failed your kindness. It is "I don't know Jingshan language with my eyes" and looks like a hard stone. " After the Ming Dynasty, perhaps because people thought that the term "Jingshanyu" was not popular enough, and the allusions involved were not clear to everyone, the word "Jingshanyu" in this proverb was gradually replaced by "gold inlaid jade" with similar pronunciation in spoken language, and the sentence "blind people don't know gold inlaid jade" spread among the people.
2. The four-character rhyme describes Yu Quyuan as "born with heaven and earth, born with the sun and the moon, born with Guangqi."
in addition
1。 A sparkling glass of wine at night
Playing pipa on horseback urges us to drink.
Green bamboo dharma body is in Bibotan, dripping with exquisite and colorful light. Born out of a unique jade, he met the noble and noble fate of the king.
On the bank of Linjiang, the stone is plain, tempered for thousands of years, gentle and clever.
Her jade-white stairs were cold with dew, and her silk soles were wet. She stayed there for so long.
4) Mermaids shed pearl-like tears in the moonlight green sea, and the blue fields breathe their jade to the sun.
5) Jade is moist in the mountains and shines in the mountains.
6) Good jade carving, good poetry costs money.
Poetry is like jade, thank you very much.
Jade sounds noble and pure, and jade loves purity.
Poetry, too, takes time.
Distinguish jade from stone, poetry from style.
Poets are solid, and articles have positive pulse.
A close look at Yuxuan sings a good life.
Cut, cut, Pian Yu Wankin.
7)) aboveboard, people are like jade, and kind brothers are like spring.
8) Jade is moist in the mountains, pearls are born in the deep, and cliffs are not withered.
9) Green water gives birth to green jade, while Bai Bo gives birth to Bai Gui.
The golden stove smells dark, and the jade pendant sounds high.
3. What are the idioms to describe jade? 1. Don't hesitate to treasure jade [bù lì n j ì n y ì]
2. Accumulate gold and jade [Du and J and N and J and y]
3. Ice muscle jade bone [bρ ng j ρ y ρ g incarnation]
4. Clear and smooth [bρng qρng yρrρn]
5. Pure and clean
1. Don't be stingy with gold and jade
Literally means not to cherish precious jade, and the idiom "precious jade" means precious. Not cherishing precious jade is a kind word when asking for advice. Criticism and correction are welcome. I hope you won't be stingy with your valuable advice.
Make sentences:
Modest people always want each other to point out their shortcomings generously.
2. Accumulate gold and jade [Du and J and N and J and y]
Gold and jade are delicate and precious things, which are usually locked in boxes. If they are piled up, it means that there are too many treasures, which means that they have a lot of wealth, and some may be to show off their wealth.
Make sentences:
The landlord's financial report is full of good words.
3. Ice muscle jade bone [bρ ng j ρ y ρ g incarnation]
Muscle refers to skin, which means that a woman's skin is like ice and snow, and her bones are like jade. Allusions mean to describe a pure and beautiful daughter, and can also describe the arrogance and coldness of plum blossoms.
Make sentences:
She is jade bone, and she is very beautiful.
4. Clear and smooth [bρng qρng yρrρn]
Straight means that the father-in-law is as clean as ice and the son-in-law is as warm as jade. In ancient China, Weng Xu was also called "Kethleen".
Make sentences:
This is a cold woman.
5. Pure and clean
Straight means as clear as ice, as pure as jade, describing innocence and noble character, and can also be compared to being clear and white in official business.
Make sentences:
Everyone who has seen her describes her as pure and pure.
4. The idiom describing gold is that the golden wall is brilliant and the golden signboard is glittering. The imperial examination palace, which wants to be the top scholar, announced the list.
It is said that the admission to the imperial examination is magnificent and dazzling. Similar to "resplendent", "resplendent" and "golden grate scraping". Similar to "resplendent and magnificent" and "golden guards and jade bridles". 2 Metaphor Jue Bo compares wine to a poem in the Three Sorrows of the Tang Dynasty: "You patched my clothes from your wicker basket, and I coaxed your gold hairpin to buy wine."
Later, it was used to describe poverty, depression and frustration. Legend has it that the golden cicada, the pledge of Tang Xuanzong's engagement with Yang Guifei, is also called "golden cicada shelling".
(1) metaphor while temporarily not being perceived by the other party, create or use the illusion, seize the opportunity to escape. (2) metaphor metamorphosis into a golden cicada. See "The Golden Cicada Peels the Shell ■" Jincheng is surrounded by vast land and a strong city. The stone chambers of Jincheng are compared to the cities made of Wei Cheng, Jincheng and Tang Chi, and the moat where boiling water flows.
Describing the city in danger and breaking the sea with golden wings, see "Golden Rooster Breaking the Sea". At this time, the poet's creation entered a realm of profound epiphany, and the golden mink turned into wine. "Biography of Jin Shu Ruan Fu": "Moved to Huangmen as an assistant rider. I wanted to exchange gold mink for wine, and was later impeached by the company. "
Later, it was compared to "golden mink for wine", and the literati were wild and uninhibited. Gold mink for wine saw "golden mink for wine". Describe a quick victory, golden wind dew, autumn wind dew.
Also refers to Qiu Jingang glaring, describing his face as ferocious. King Kong glowered and saw "King Kong glowered". Diamond eyes are sharp eyes that can penetrate the original shape. Jinge ironclad and Jingoma ironclad refer to war and military affairs. (2) describe the military strength.
(3) Refer to Wu Zhi and the soldier Jin Ge Tieqi, see Jin Gu Jiu Ji Jin Shichong's Preface to Jin Gu Poetry: "Make a poem lyrical, or you will be punished for three fights." Later, "Jingu wine number" generally refers to the practice of pouring three glasses of wine at a banquet. This is a golden metaphor for the skill of the God of Money. "Gao Qiang Jin Chai" refers to the outstanding literati of the imperial court, and "Jin Chai Yu Tang" refers to the court official Hui Jin Yu Jie. The description language is colorful, concise and clear. The gold cangue and the jade lock cangue are torture devices around the neck, and the lock is torture devices connected by iron rings.
The metaphor of "golden lock and jade lock" is both a treasure and a burden. See Jin's Bao Puzi.
I said saliva. (2) metaphor wine, golden marrow jade liquid, see "golden marrow jade liquid", describe poverty and frustration.
Textbook "The Warring States Policy, Qin Ce Me": (Su Qin) said ten books of Qin Wang, but failed to collect them. The mink is rotten and the gold is exhausted.
Lack of resources, go to Qin and return. The golden rule refers to unchangeable laws or rules.
Later, it was compared with the unchangeable creed "Golden Rule" and "Golden Rule". Jin Kou is silent and Han Fa Xing: "Heaven doesn't care? Zhong Ni drives a loudspeaker; Not in Zru? If you go back to what he said, you will be speechless. " Gui Li's note: "Jin Bao mouth wood, tongue wood. It is rumored that Zhong Ni has been there. "
Wang Rongbao's righteousness is sparse: "Those who make Confucianism speechless want to spread the meaning of sage production, such as urging admiration to warn the world." "Golden mouth and wooden tongue" originally refers to Mu Duo. In ancient times, the integration of politics and religion was practiced, and Muduo was encouraged to remind all the people.
Later, in order to promote the teachings of saints and distinguish between golden mouth and jade teeth, correct remarks can't change golden mouth and jade words. A golden mouth is used to refer to the words of the son of heaven. After that, it generally means to speak correctly and cannot be changed. The embroiderers in Jinmen refer to the rich people who are addicted to paper with "golden mouth and jade sound", saying that the bedrooms and furnishings are exquisite and gorgeous, which makes people fascinated.
Later, it was used to describe the luxury and enjoyment of life, and the golden urn was intact, which was a metaphor for the integrity of the country. The second song of Guessing the Guest by Bao Yue in the Southern Dynasties: "Don't make a bottle fall into the well, and there is no news."
The silence of Jin people refers to people's cautious words. Language "Confucius Family Language: Observing the Zhou Dynasty": "Confucius observed the Zhou Dynasty, so he entered the temple of Taizu Hou Ji.
There is a golden man in front of the right step of the temple. I kept my mouth shut, but I said,' The old saying is also cautious.
See "Golden Sound and Jade Color" in "Golden Sound and Jade Clothes". Jin Yin and Yurun's figuration are both very charming. From Du Dong Fu by Han Bangu: "Jade is moist and golden."
Golden voice and jade color are metaphors of people's faithfulness and integrity. Jin Sheng Yu Zhen (1) refers to sounding with a clock, closing with a chime, and playing music from beginning to end. The language "Mencius under Zhang Wan" says: "A master is a master, and a golden voice makes a jade sound.
Jinyin is also the beginning; Yu Zhen is a human being, and he is finally organized. Those who start to be organized are also wise; Finally, the organization is also sacred. "
2 metaphor is famous. (3) Metaphorically, the voice is loud and harmonious, and the golden sound is the sound of throwing the ground like a stone.
The language and words of description are powerful, and stones are as unchangeable as stones. Describe the friendship between stones, such as keeping the Covenant and keeping moral integrity. See "The Turn of the Stone". Stones can be seen as "stones are openings". Stone is a very valuable metaphor for teaching or advice. Stone refers to four musical instruments: bell, chime, lyre and flute.
It also refers to the opening of various musical instruments, describing a person's sincere and firm heart and infinite strength. The language comes from Liu Xiang's new preface and miscellaneous four: "The son of Xiong Qu sees his sincerity and the stone opens for him." What is the situation? " The friendship between stones is a metaphor for eternal friendship.
(2) referring to the words of the Covenant stone and the "Stone Story", Jintai City still talks about 1000 yuan. He said that he would not hesitate to buy and raise horses at a high price.
Metaphor is sincere in recruiting talents. In the Chinese version of The Warring States Policy Yance I, Yan Zhaowang's story of building Huang Jintai and recruiting talents and talents is a gold rush from the sand.
Metaphorically, when writing, the Golden Couple Taoism refers to the boys and girls who serve the immortals in the Golden Temple. See "Golden House" refers to a noble and beautiful woman choosing a golden house. Hanwu Story: "On July 7th, the emperor was born in the Yiyou Hall. At the age of four, he was made King of Jiaodong.
When he was a few years old, Princess Royal fell to her knees and asked, "Do you want a wife?" King Jiaodong said,' I want a wife.' Master Chang refers to more than 100 people around him, all of whom are redundant.
Finally, he pointed to his daughter and asked, "How is Gillian?" So he smiled and said,' Good! If Gillian is a wife, then it's a golden house. Originally, the emperor took Gillian as his concubine and owned a golden house, which is often used to describe Jin Xiangyu's marrying or concubinage.
5. The idiom "Jin/kloc-0" begins with "Jin Zhi Yu Ye"
Golden branches and jade leaves are a Chinese vocabulary, and the pinyin is jρ nρ zhρ yè. Interpretation: The original description of flowers and trees is beautiful branches and leaves. Refers to the only son of the royal family. Now it is also a metaphor for people of noble or exquisite birth. The idiom comes from Jane's "Joking in the Palace": "Fly on the golden branches and jade leaves."
2. Jinge Iron Horse
Kingoma Iron, an idiom in China. Pinyin: jó n gē ti ē m, interpretation: Ge shines with golden light, and the horse matches the real armor. It is a metaphor for war, and it also describes the heroic attitude of soldiers with live ammunition. From Song Xin's Qi Ji's "Never Meet Le Jingkou Gubeiting Nostalgia": "In those days, Jin Ge was an iron horse and swallowed Wan Li like a tiger." Jin Ge Yue's iron horse is as powerful as a mountain and tiger, enough to swallow the enemy on Wan Li's journey.
3, the golden house is hidden.
This idiom comes from the wonderful book Hanwu Story in Wei and Jin Dynasties. In the book, "the golden house hides the charming" means "the golden house hides the charming". This idiom says that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty became the King of Jiaodong when he was four years old. He said that if he could marry his cousin Chen Ajiao, he would build a golden house for her. "If he gets Gillian, he should keep it in the golden house." . Later refers to concubinage. Synonym is "hidden in a golden house".
4. Golden Wind and Jade Dew
Goldwind and Jade Dew is one of the idiom words, which comes from Li Shangyin's poem "Seven Nights of Wei Xin": "From the Blue and Silver River, there must be Goldwind and Jade Dew", which means that the sky has never been full of colorful clouds and hangs directly over the Silver River, so why wait for Goldwind and Jade Dew to condense? Originally refers to the meeting of cowherd and weaver girl on Tanabata, but now refers to men and women who love each other and know each other, generally referring to autumn scenery, which is generally used to describe love.
5. Good luck
Marriage: originally refers to a marriage that conforms to the feudal order. The latter refers to a beautiful marriage. From the fifth time of Cao Qingxue Qin's Dream of Red Mansions: "I only read the alliance of wood and stone."
The alliance between wood and stone is a misunderstanding between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu in A Dream of Red Mansions. Wood refers to the crimson pearl fairy grass of Daiyu's previous life, and stone refers to the stubborn stone left by the goddess of heaven. The waiter in Shen Ying watered the crimson pearl grass with the water of nectar, so that it had to become a female body and was named crimson pearl fairy.
In order to repay the virtue of irrigation, the crimson pearl fairy is willing to come down to earth with the waiter Shen Ying and repay him with tears of her life. Shen Ying, the waiter, came down to earth with a stone, which became Baoyu's psychic.
Baidu encyclopedia-golden branches and jade leaves
Baidu Encyclopedia-Jingoma Iron
Baidu Encyclopedia-Wu Jin Cang Jiao
Baidu Encyclopedia-Jinfengyu Road
Baidu Encyclopedia-Yujin Liangyuan
6. Say an idiom about gold. Being the first is resplendent.
The golden grate scratches the eyes, the golden bi is brilliant, the golden bodyguard jade, and the golden bodyguard jade.
Jin Chai Wei Jiu Xi Jin Chan Bridge.
Jin Chengqian Li Jincheng Shishi Jin Tang Cheng Jin Chi Chi Bohai Sea
Then change bones, mink and wine, mink and wine, golden wind and jade dew.
Gold breaks King Kong's eyes and shines in King Kong's eyes.
Jin Ge Tie Jia Jin Ge Ma Tie Jin Ge Tie Qi Jingu Liquor Count
Guang Jin Gai Jin Di Gui Guo Shijin Gui Yu Jin Tang Hui Yujie
Gold cangue, jade lock, gold paste, jade paste and jade liquid are all precious.
Golden rule, golden rule, golden rule, golden mouth and jade words, wooden tongue
Jin kou Yu Yan Jin kou Yu yin Jin kou Yan Yu Jin men xiu Hu
The golden fan is drunk, the golden ou is empty, the golden bottle falls into the well, and the golden man seals it.
Sejin Shengyu Town, Jinrunyu Province, Fujin Shengyu, Jin Shengyu
Stone will never change, stone friendship, if stone can open stone.
Stone, silk, bamboo and stone are the stone characters at the turn of stone.
The Golden Master of the Golden Family, Mr. and Mrs. Jin Jun Taosha Bamboo Slips
The golden house hides the charming, and the golden house hides the charming.
Jin Xiang Yu Ying Jin Xiang Yu Zhen Jin Xiang Yu Jin Xiang Yu Bao.
Gold and silver have a golden show in happiness.
Zhang Jin Zhu Yu Zhang Jin Wan Jin Zhao Yu Cui.
The golden needle touches the blood, and the golden branches and jade leaves break the sea.
The golden signboard is nothing more than a treasure.
7. Gold inlaid jade dew meets the original:
Thin clouds are clever, flying stars spread grievances, and yinhan sneaked into Chen Cang. On the seventh day of autumn dew and autumn, it is time to meet, mostly those who are together in the world, but the appearance of husband and wife.
Common complaint against acacia, tender feelings like water, meet each other as if it were a dream, when it is hard to see the bridge. If the relationship between two people is long-lasting, it is still a matter of time.
Thin clouds are changing in the sky, meteors are conveying the sadness of acacia in the sky, and I quietly crossed the distant and boundless galaxy tonight. Tanabata meeting in the autumn wind and white dew is better than those couples who are together in the world.
* * * v. Acacia, tender as water, short will be like a dream, can't bear to see the magpie bridge road when leaving. As long as two people love each other till death do us part, why do you want to be very much in love?
Qiao Yun, the Fairy of Queqiao, is the work of Qin Guan, a poet in the Song Dynasty. This is an ode to pure love. The first one is about the reunion of the cowherd and the weaver girl, and the second one is about their separation. The whole poem is intertwined with sadness and music, lyrical and argumentative, integrated with heaven and earth, and the combination of aesthetic image and deep feeling eulogizes the ups and downs of beautiful love. This word is free and easy to understand, but it is elegant and memorable, especially the last two sentences, which sublimate the ideological realm of the word to a new height and become an epigram in the word.