1. In the traditional culture of China, it is very important to trick good brothers into giving gifts. Many people will think carefully before giving gifts and come up with the most suitable gift. The young man must have been thoughtful, so Bian Xiao guessed that he might be the groom's good brother. He was happy to see his brother get married and wanted to play tricks on him at the same time, so he deliberately behaved so naughty in the operation of the gift money. Bian Xiao can imagine that this young man is a fool for a while. After the wedding, he is likely to be beaten up by his brother, or his brother will give it back to him at his wedding in the future.
Second, the relationship with the host family is not good, it is intentional. In addition to playing tricks, this young man may have had problems with the wedding host's family before, so he deliberately used this ceremony to greet each other. If it is really for this purpose, it can be seen that this young man is still not open-minded enough. People hold weddings for happiness and smoothness. If he does this on purpose, maybe the person who holds the wedding will be in a bad mood.
Third, a different kind of blessing young people gave gifts of ten bundles of cash. Maybe he wants to give the newlyweds a perfect omen. After all, judging from the amount of cash in the gift, this is very auspicious. If it is really for this purpose, Bian Xiao wants to praise this little brother's wit!
What do you think is the purpose of this young man's gift? Please leave your comments in the comments section below.