Jishui folk can be said to be wine at every banquet, and this wine is Jishui winter wine. Nowadays, the fashion is to drink foreign wine and famous wine, and drink it back and forth. In the end, I am reluctant to part with Jishui winter wine. It is said that drinking Jishui winter wine is safe. In the hotel in the county seat, a pot of winter wine, with ginger slices, medlar and chopped green onion, is cooked until the guests smile. In Ji 'an, Nanchang and other counties and cities, the signs of shops selling winter wine are marked with "Jishui Winter Wine". Jishui winter wine has won the favor of men, women and children with its real "good wine and gluttony". Jishui winter wine is more mellow than western water.
Jishui Winter Wine needs to be brewed after "beginning of winter". Choose "osmanthus fragrans" and glutinous rice to grind into brown rice, steam wine balls, ferment them into juice, mix them with sweet and clear well water, seal them with mud, and open the altar after winter, which is "winter wine".
Jishui has a long history of brewing wine. Among the Warring States cultural relics unearthed in Chatan, Laoqiao Township, there are many wine vessels such as binaural pottery, binaural pottery pots and short-legged cups. It can be seen that thousands of years ago, inviting guests with banquets became an important part of the traditional culture of Jishui.