Welcome, this is the ceremony of the groom in the woman's house, and it is also the most important procedure in the wedding. There are two kinds of old and ordinary companionship: the groom greets the bride, and the man invites the "good man" to greet the bride, while most contemporary people are the groom. In the whole process, before and after the career, women should hold some custom activities, including the following aspects. Before marriage, the bride should use twelve flowers and twelve herbs, soak them in grass and pomegranate flowers, put them on the top of Wuyi on the bathtub, also called the car on the car, and put them on the weapon sparrow. In some places, you should sit in the bathtub after taking a shower and eat two boiled eggs after praying. And there is no need to sew a bag on the outside of the clothes, which is intended to make parents lucky. Before marriage, the bride wants to "share money and rice", that is, share coins and rice with her brothers and sisters, indicating that everyone has wealth. In Haitashan Town, Paoling, the custom of a penny is made by mother or bamboo curtain mother. Rolling, children have money; Next year is rough, next year alone. Then put the money and rice on the bride's brother and bride. The bride is sent to a special fence and put the money on the rice at home.