Motherboard: Mei Jie SY-A88GM3-GR 499
Memory: weigang 2G DDR3 1333 340
Hard disk: WD 3200AAJS 8M 295
Power supply: Hangjialeng Wangjing Standard Edition 140
Chassis power supply: Foxconn Super Fox TSAA832 130
Monitor: HKC S9809 699
Mei Jie SY-A88GM3-GR is also a 785G motherboard with its own HD4200 graphics card.
Yes 1080P is better.
The hard disk 320G is relatively large, although 160G is enough.
Although it's worse than those quad-core video editing computers, it's better than your old one.
But the final rendering is still slow.
I don't agree that Intel upstairs has an advantage over AMD in making videos. At present, the view that "Intel is suitable for videos and graphics, and games are suitable for graphics" is out of date.
You can look at the following evaluation report and know who is the best.
Intel Pentium dual-core E5300 and AMD Athlon II ×2 245
Like the audio-visual transcoding performance test, the 3D rendering performance test ended with AMD Athlon II dual-core 245 beating Intel Pentium dual-core E5300 three to one. Blender rendering, like Apple's iTunes 9 audio transcoding, has always been the strength of Intel processors, and there is no chance to position AMD products in by going up one flight of stairs.
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Therefore, it is normal to choose AMD platform, and there is not much room for upgrading after Intel platform.