After Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire, a Persian-style collective wedding was held in Susa in order to promote the integration of Macedon, Persia and other oriental nations and to stabilize the imperial rule in the future. Alexander didn't just want a symbolic wedding, but really wanted to integrate a new nation. At the wedding, Alexander took the lead in marrying Stella II, the eldest daughter of Persian Darius Iii. Although Alexander married Roxana, the daughter of Oaksey Tass, a local aristocrat, polygamy was traditionally allowed in Bulgaria, bakht, Macedonia and Persia. Besides marrying Darius Iii's daughter, he also married Parisatis II, the youngest daughter of Arta Xue Xisi III of Persia.
Alexander also asked his officials and assistants to marry the daughter of a Persian high official. According to Alien, Alexander gave Darius' youngest daughter, Delibidis, to his friend Hephaistion, hoping that Hephaistion's child would become his nephew or niece in the future. Craterus is Amastris's daughter Oxiades (Darius Iii's brother). Persecus is the daughter of Artero butters, the governor of Medea. Altaba left two daughters, Atacama to Ptolemy, and the other to Omeneses, the royal secretary. For Connie Achatz, she is the daughter of her mentor and Balsin. Seleucu is Apama, the daughter of Spitamini, a summer person. Other friends and officers are also the daughters of Persia and Medea, adding up to 80 pairs.
The wedding was held according to Persian custom. Grooms sit in order first. After everyone drank wine to congratulate, the bride came in and sat next to her groom. Then the groom holds the bride's hand and kisses her. Because the wedding was held collectively, all the steps were led by Alexander. After that, the groom took the bride home, and Alexander gave gifts to each couple. In addition, Alexander also sent gifts to Macedonians who married Asian women. There are as many as10,000 people, although most of them have wives and children in their hometown of Macedonia. According to Plutarch's records, Alexander spent a lot of money on this wedding, and he also gave each guest a golden cup full of wine.
By marrying the daughter of Darius, Alexander can now claim to be the legitimate heir to the Persian throne, and often call the Persians his relatives, so as to stabilize the ruling foundation of the future empire. However, Macedonians are quite dissatisfied with the king's excessive flattery to Persians, and most people are very dissatisfied with the Persian style in the wedding. In addition, Alexander's story of pleasing the Persians led Macedonians to think that Alexander no longer needed them, which led to some conflicts between Macedonians and Alexander in the future.
follow-up action
When Alexander the Great died in the first 323 years, the successors no longer adopted Alexander's policy of governing the East, nor did they want to enjoy the same status as Persia and other orientals. Most Macedonian dignitaries who got married at Susa's wedding on Alexander's orders abandoned their Persian wives one after another, only knowing that Seleucus still maintained a marriage relationship with Apama. Alexander's attempt to unite Persia and Macedonia into a new country failed.