The ancients got married, and there were probably the following procedures. Zhou's Book of Rites stipulated six rites, namely: accepting gifts, asking names, accepting gifts, inviting guests and welcoming relatives. Since then, this ritual system has been widely followed. The first is talent. If the man wants to marry the woman, he must find a matchmaker to propose to her. After being accepted, he will formally accept the woman's "gift choice". That is to say, as the saying goes, parents' orders and matchmakers' words. As the name implies, the media refers to people with two surnames; This refers to people who consider a second surname. Matchmakers come out to mix, in fact, according to ancient rules, there must be a guy in their hands. One is an axe and the other is a scale. There is an axe, which originated from the Book of Songs.
There is a brief introduction to the princess's wedding ceremony. Please go and see/p-748682431190.html.