How does ps make golden luminous fonts? Making Skills of Golden Luminous Fonts in Photoshop
PS Golden Glowing Font Making Skills Tutorial 1. How to create a text shape step 1, and create a new document of 3500x2000px. Then, use the font HWTArtz to create text. Set the size to 600 points and describe it as 150 points. Step 2: Rename the Text layer to Text, then right-click and select ConverttoShape. 2. How to create the stroke layer step 1, copy the text layer, and then rename the copy as Stroke 1. Step 2: Select the direct selection tool (A) to get the shape options in the options bar. Change the fill to none, change the stroke color to black, change the size to 25, then click the Set Shape Stroke Type icon, and then change the Align Out to. Step 3: Copy the "Stroke 1" layer, rename the copy as "Stroke 2", and then change the Stroke Size to 35. Step 4: Copy the Stroke2 layer, rename the copy to Stroke3, and change the StrokeSize to 50. 3. How to create a 3D layer Step 1, select each shape layer you have, and then go to 3D> to create a new 3D extrusion from the selected path. Step 2, select all your 3D layers, and then enter 3D> to merge 3D layers. 4. How to deal with 3D scene Step 1? To access 3D grid settings and properties, you need to open two panels: the 3D panel and the properties panel (both under the Window menu). All components of the 3D scene in the 3D panel. When you click any of these names, you can access the property panel in its settings. Therefore, before changing the element settings in the Properties panel, be sure to always select the tab of the element to be modified in the 3D panel. Step 2: If you select "Move Tool", you will find a set of 3D modes on the right side of the options bar. After selecting one of the elements, you can click and drag to change it (on the selected element in the 3D panel). Use these modes to change the current view to the desired angle. 5. How to modify the 3D grid setting step 1? Select the text grid tab in the 3D panel, and then change the stretching depth to 200 in the property panel. Step 2: Select all the stroke grid labels and change their extrusion depth to 35. 6. How to modify the 3D upper limit setting step 1, and select the text tab again. Then click the upper limit icon at the top of the property panel. When the edge is set to front and back and the width of the hypotenuse is changed to 5%, the outline is semi-circular and the unfolding force is 10%. Step 2: Select the Stroke tab, set the edges to front and back, then change the width of the hypotenuse to 20% and the outline to ring. 7. How to reposition the 3D grid step 1, select all the grid tabs in the 3D panel, click the menu icon of the 3D panel, and then select Move the object to the ground plane. Step 2: Select the moving tool, then use the 3D axis to separate the brush strokes from each other, and then distribute them on the 3D text you own. The arrow at the end of the shaft moves the grid, the lower part of the grid is used for rotation, and the cube is used for scaling. The center cube is used to scale objects evenly. All you need to do is click and drag the required part. You can also open the 3D auxiliary view window (views >;; Display > 3D auxiliary view), and then click the small arrow on the left and select top view to better see what you are doing. Step 3: Make sure the biggest brush stroke is at the back and the smallest brush stroke is at the front. 8. How to create a 3D text front inflatable material Step 1, select the "inflatable material before text" tab in the 3D panel, click the "Diffuse reflection" texture icon in the property panel, and then select "Edit texture". Step 2: Place the "Silver Flash Texture Inventory" image on top of the "Text" shape layer, and then adjust it to the width of the text. Step 3: Press Command-U to get the hue/saturation window, select the shading box, and then change the hue value to 37. Go to file > save, and then click file > close to return to the 3D scene. 9. How to adjust the 3D text swelling and chamfering material setting steps 1, select the "Before Text" and "Chamfering Material" tabs, and then use the following material settings: highlight: (22 1, 16 1, 32) illumination: 50 reflection: 20 bump:. Step 3: Click the bump texture icon and select Edit UV Properties. Step 4: Set both tile values to 1. Step 5: Select the remaining tabs of "Text Bump" and "Bevel Material", click the icon of "Bump" folder, and then select the name of Metallic_Silver texture from the list. 10. How to Create a 3D Text Stretch Material Step 1, select the Text Stretch Material tab, click the Diffuse Texture icon, and then select Delete Texture. Step 2, change the residual value: diffuse reflection: (232,226,211) highlight: (153, 15 1, 137) shine: 20. How to Create a 3D Brush Stroke Material Step 1, select all the tabs of Stroke Swelling and Bevel Material, and delete their diffuse reflection. 168, 152) Illumination: 50 reflection: 20 refraction: 1.2 Step 2: Select all the "Stroke Stretching Materials" tabs, delete their "Diffuse Reflection" textures, and then change the remaining settings: Diffuse Reflection: (228,1. 5 1) sparkle: 20 reflection: 20 refraction: 1.2 12. How to adjust the illumination of 3D scene Step 1, select the Unlimited Illumination tab, and then change the intensity to 50% and the shadow softness to 30%. Step two. Then, you can use the Move tool to move the light source, or click the coordinate icon at the top of the Properties panel to enter a value. Step 3: Select the Environment tab, click the IBL texture icon, select the replacement texture, and then load the room image. Step 4: Click the IBL texture icon again, select Edit Texture, and then press Command-U to change the saturation value to -65. Save and close the file. Step 5, change the intensity of IBL lamp to 50%. Step 6: You can use the move tool to move the texture until you get the desired result. 13. How to modify the rendered 3D layer Step 1? After modifying the 3D scene, go to 3D >;; Render to render it. Rendering may take a while, but you can press Esc at any time to stop rendering. Step 2: After rendering, right-click the 3D layer and select Convert to Smart Object. The third step, above >; Image size, and then set the width to 1500 pixels. 14. How to use the adjustment layer Step 1, click the "New Fill or Adjustment Layer" icon at the bottom of the layer panel, and then select "Selective Color". Step 2, cut the "Selective Color" layer into the 3D layer, and then modify these channels as follows: yellow: cyan: 9 magenta: 6 yellow: 13 black: 3 vegetables: black: -80 ethnic group: black: -50 white: cyan:-15 magenta:/kloc-0. Step 3: Add a level adjustment layer and cut it into a 3D layer, then change the highlight to 27, the gamma to 1.03, and the shadow to 23 1. This will enhance the contrast. 15. How to create a background step 1, add a gradient filling layer on the background layer, and create a gradient with the colors on the right, middle and left. #8f8e8e#ebeaea#8f8e8e Change the angle to 105 and the scale to 250. Then, you can click and drag the gradient fill in the document to place it behind the text. Step 2: Place the GlitterBokeh texture on top of the gradient fill layer, resize it as needed, rename its layer as GlitterBG, and change the blending mode to soft light. Step 3: Add a hue/saturation adjustment layer, crop it to the "Flash" BG layer, check the "Coloring" box, and then change the "Hue" to 40. Step 4, put the hybrid3 picture in Salomdihybridc4d package on the GlitterBG layer, and rename its layer to BGTexture0 1. Change the BlendMode of the BGTexture0 1 layer to Screen, and then resize it as needed. Step 5: add a hue/saturation adjustment layer, cut it into BGTexture0 1 layer, check the "coloring" box, and then change the hue to 38. Step 6: Set the Platinafx4 image in C4dPack 12ByPlatina on the BGTexture0 1 layer and rename its layer to BGTexture02. Change the BlendMode of BGTexture02 layer to Screen, and then resize it as needed. Step 7: Add a hue/saturation adjustment layer, cut it to BGTexture02 layer, select the color box, and then change the hue to 35.