What time is the bus from Zhuozhou Bus Station to Shijiazhuang, and how much is the fare?
There is a trip from Zhuozhou bus station to Shijiazhuang, which seems to be going to Ningjin. Very slow. If you want to walk fast, you can take a taxi to Zhuozhou Expressway Service Area. The fare is about 15 yuan. There are many express buses there. Anyone passing through Shijiazhuang will do. The fare is about 70. I suggest taking the train, which is safe and fast. The fare is affordable in 33 yuan! It takes about 3 hours to get to Shijiazhuang. The telephone number of Zhuozhou bus station is 03 12-3632254, but it is not what the friends above said. Need to add 0 10, friends from other places only need to add 03 12, and local friends can broadcast live!