In the rural areas of Leping, some clan stage also created a double-sided stage, rain or shine. If it is an ancestor worship, a banquet or performance on rainy days, it is the rain platform, which is the ancestral temple near the platform mentioned above. The biggest defect of this stage is its small capacity, which will make people crowded and sometimes even cause trouble. The biggest advantage is that when performing in rainy days, you can sit in the ancestral hall and upstairs and downstairs without an umbrella, and you can chat and watch movies while eating and drinking. The back of the stage is not closed with a wall, but with a door panel, which is generally not opened. If it is sunny, in order to accommodate more audiences, most performances are performed on sunny stages. Then open the wall on the back of the rainy stage, change the foreground of the rainy stage into the background of the sunny stage, change the background into the foreground, and exchange things before and after the stage to perform, such as Tianji Jia Peng and the old stage in Nan 'an Yu Jia. However, as far as the scale and quality of the existing sunny and rainy double-sided stage in Leping rural areas are concerned, I am afraid Hu Chengjia's stage is the best. Pang Hu is located one kilometer north of leping town Bridge Town, and the stage was built at 1872 (the 12th year of Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty), which took three years to complete. Seen from a distance, the double eaves are upturned and magnificent. In the center of the roof is a huge colored glazed porcelain vase with an iron fork pointing to the sky, and the bottleneck is tied to the four corners of the eaves with four irons. Iron horse wind chimes are hung under the eaves, and the wind chimes are crisp and melodious. The platform is 14m high, 25m wide and 12m deep. The center of the platform is horizontally separated by wooden carved screens, becoming a sunny and rainy double-sided stage. The sunny table faces north and is the main body of the whole table. It is beautifully carved and magnificent. There are three algae wells (commonly known as shacks) on the ceiling of the platform. The middle is a threaded bucket arch, and there is a roof caisson on both sides slightly in front. On the upper end of the back wall hangs a gold-plated plaque engraved with the base plate of eighteen arhats, on which are written four vigorous and powerful Chinese characters: "The more you look, the better". On the four pillars of the top beam in front of the stage, there are couplets written by famous local Confucian scholars, and the handwriting is chic and elegant. On both sides of the stage, there is a wing connected with the rain platform for actors to enter and leave the stage. On the stage, there are carved beams and painted buildings, and there are reliefs of characters in golden operas everywhere: Kuixing Dou, Playing Golden Toad, Zhao Fan, and Three Rent Cottage ... There are more than 100 places, which are varied and lifelike. The structure and installation of rain platform are slightly inferior to balcony. Caotai is a temporary performance stage, supported by wood and covered with straw (or bamboo mats). It can be used alone, or it can be placed next to the ancient stage for two troupes to "fight". No matter which side performs well, the audience will scream and fall to the other side, and the atmosphere is very warm. It is really "Cao Tai's performance in the Spring and Autumn Period, with numerous audiences" that leads to "an eye for an eye".
Most of these ancient stages with different styles were made by local craftsmen.