Newcomers must invite relatives and friends to be guests when they get married, so some people will choose to hold the wedding banquet in their own homes, while others will choose to hold it in hotels. No matter where the wedding reception is held, cigarettes and candy should be prepared. How many cigarettes to prepare, count the number of relatives and friends, and see how many tables to prepare.
Cigarettes in a married woman's house
1. When getting married, there is actually no fixed answer to who goes to the woman's house to buy cigarettes, and there is no clear requirement in national laws and regulations. These are all free. Parents of both parties can communicate and negotiate on their own. If the man asks to take the initiative to buy cigarettes, he should tell the woman in advance to prevent repeated purchases.
2. If the man's family doesn't tell the woman's family to buy cigarettes together, then the woman's family can buy them themselves. In fact, the total price of cigarettes prepared at the wedding banquet is not particularly high, and it doesn't matter if you prepare it yourself. When the young couple got married, they became a family. There's no need to haggle too much.
Of course, it depends on whether there are any local customs. If there is the best respect, if the local regulations stipulate that the cigarettes in the woman's house will be prepared by the man's house at the time of marriage, it can also be explained to the man's house in advance.