FD:b rt 135 FD:b/(sqrt 2)rt 90 FD:b/(sqrt 2)rt 135
Pu rt 30 fd 10 pd fills pu bk 10 lt 30 pd.
setpc 0 FD:b rt 135 FD:b/(sqrt 2)rt 90 FD:b/(sqrt 2)rt 135
To s 1l :b
FD:b lt 135 FD:b/(sqrt 2)lt 90 FD:b/(sqrt 2)lt 135
Pu lt 30 fd 10 pd filled with pu bk 10 rt 30 pd.
setpc 0 FD:b lt 135 FD:b/(sqrt 2)lt 90 FD:b/(sqrt 2)lt 135
To s3 :b :x
setpc 9
if :x=9[s3r :b]
if :x=6[s3l :b]
End direction judgment statement
To s3r :b
FD:b/2 rt 135 FD:b/2/(sqrt 2)rt 90 FD:b/2/(sqrt 2)rt 135
Pu rt 30 fd 10 pd fills pu bk 10 lt 30 pd.
setpc 0 FD:b/2 rt 135 FD:b/2/(sqrt 2)rt 90 FD:b/2/(sqrt 2)rt 135
To s3l :b
FD:b/2 lt 135 FD:b/2/(sqrt 2)lt 90 FD:b/2/(sqrt 2)lt 135
Pu lt 30 fd 10 pd filled with pu bk 10 rt 30 pd.
setpc 0 FD:b/2 lt 135 FD:b/2/(sqrt 2)lt 90 FD:b/2/(sqrt 2)lt 135
To s2 :b :x
setpc 10
if :x=9[s2r :b]
if :x=6[s2l :b]
End direction judgment statement
To s2r :b
FD:b/2 *(sqrt 2)rt 135 FD:b/2 rt 90 FD:b/2 rt 135
Pu rt 30 fd 10 pd fills pu bk 10 lt 30 pd.
setpc 0 FD:b/2 *(sqrt 2)rt 135 FD:b/2 rt 90 FD:b/2 rt 135
To s2l :b
FD:b/2 *(sqrt 2)lt 135 FD:b/2 lt 90 FD:b/2 lt 135
Pu lt 30 fd 10 pd filled with pu bk 10 rt 30 pd.
setpc 0 FD:b/2 *(sqrt 2)lt 135 FD:b/2 lt 90 FD:b/2 lt 135
To z :b :x
setpc 14
if :x=9[zr :b]
if :x=6[zl :b]
End direction judgment statement
To zr :b
Repeat 4[fd :b/4*(sqrt 2) rt 90]
Pu rt 30 fd 10 pd fills pu bk 10 lt 30 pd.
Setpc 0 repeats 4[fd :b/4*(sqrt 2) rt 90]
To zl :b
Repeat 4[fd :b/4*(sqrt 2) lt 90]
Pu lt 30 fd 10 pd filled with pu bk 10 rt 30 pd.
Setpc 0 repeats 4[fd :b/4*(sqrt 2) lt 90]
To p :b :x
setpc 13
if :x=9[ppr :b]
if :x=6
End direction judgment statement
To ppr :b
Repeat 2 [FD: b/2 rt135 FD: b/2/(sqrt 2) rt 45]
Pu rt 30 fd 10 pd fills pu bk 10 lt 30 pd.
Setpc 0 repeats 2 [FD: b/2 rt135 FD: b/2/(sqrt 2) rt 45]
To employees: b
Repeat 2 [FD: b/2 lt135 FD: b/2/(sqrt 2) lt 45]
Pu lt 30 fd 10 pd filled with pu bk 10 rt 30 pd.
Setpc 0 repeats 2 [FD: b/2 lt135 FD: b/2/(sqrt 2) lt 45]
To ma: b
rt 90
s 1 :b 6
lt 45 pu fd :b/sqrt(2) pd
z :b 9
pu fd :b/2/sqrt(2) pd
rt 90
s2 :b 6
rt 90
pu fd :b/2/sqrt(2) pd
lt 90 pu fd :b/sqrt(2) pd
rt 20 s3 :b 9
pu lt 20 bk :b/sqrt(2) rt 90 pd
s 1 :b 9
rt 45 pu FD:b/sqrt(2)lt 90 FD:b/2/sqrt(2)rt 45 PD
Patient: b 9
lt 45 pu FD:b/2/sqrt(2)lt 135 FD:b/5 rt 135 PD
s3 :b 9
Finally, enter horse 100 (the parameters are set according to your own preferences) in the command window to draw a complete color galloping horse.
1, the reason why Mecha whirlwind stopped taking clothes, as we all know, Mecha whirlwind copied DNF and Tencent copied Tencent, so