Then, write down the time and place of the banquet. Write down the date, week and banquet time (noon or evening or what time). The location should be clearly written with the detailed address of the banquet hotel (clearly written on the floor). If the invitation format cannot be filled in, you can add another page.
3, behind the door, many places post in the name of parents, and the signature is the name of the parents. Inviting in the name of elders (posting to relatives, parents and friends) is solemn and sincere. It is best to post it in your own name to the classmates of the newlyweds to avoid misunderstanding.
At present, there are many formats of invitation letters. You can consult before ordering in the hotel. Some hotels attract customers to consider and prepare invitations. You just need to take them home and fill them out according to the invitation format. Pay attention to write clearly according to the above contents. Can save money.
If you buy your own invitations, you should choose exquisite invitations according to your hobbies. Pay attention to the vertical invitation in the invitation. Be sure to pay attention to the order and writing when filling in, and don't make a mistake. So as not to make jokes.
6. If you have the time and ability, you can design it yourself, make a picture on the computer with your own wedding photos, and make your own format. You can fill in more words and less words, and the size of the words is not bound by the invitation letter of the finished product. It's not bad to design, buy paper and print by yourself. It seems original.
7. You can also make your own invitations into electronic invitations, and send them to friends and relatives with photos and music. Let friends and relatives enjoy your sweetness and happiness in music and get invited at the same time.