Mencius said, "Confucius climbed Dongshan to be a villain, and climbed Mount Tai to be a villain. Therefore, it is difficult for people who look at the sea to swim in the water, and it is difficult for people who swim in the holy gate to say. I feel lucky, perhaps because I haven't been to any big places and seen the world, so my joy is simpler and more. For example, this time we opened the Longkou Zoo and Botanical Garden, and I was particularly excited.
It rained a little on the morning of October 1st. However, when we arrived at the gate of the Zoo and Botanical Garden at nine o'clock, the scene was clear and Wan Li colorful flags were flying. China people pay attention to good weather and good luck when they start business, and the sunny weather encourages the vitality of the people on the spot.
The streets were crowded with people and the motor vehicles were in complete darkness. Fortunately, every few steps by the roadside are guided by staff, and the parking of vehicles is very orderly, which shows that the preparations in this regard are quite sufficient.
Lion dance is an excellent folk art in China, and people like to celebrate it in festivals or celebrations. In the dance, it mainly shows the kindness and dexterity of the lion, rolling and jumping, corresponding head and tail, neat footwork, beating drums and gongs, as if your heart roared with it, and the atmosphere was particularly warm.
Dragons are regarded as auspicious things by China people, and dragon dancing symbolizes good weather, peace and prosperity. To some extent, dragon dancing is more grand than lion dancing. Today, the girls and boys who dance the dragon are all dancing with all their strength. They first gave up the professional evaluation criteria. The spirit of Longkou people alone deserves applause!
The actors in the military band are obviously not young, but the seriousness in that expression is really admirable. We are all ordinary people, small roles in all walks of life. However, even high-end instruments have parts. As long as you stick to your ordinary post, you can create something extraordinary.
After the performance, I led our family "two old and one young" to buy tickets quickly. The ticket window is divided into "online ticket collection" and "cash ticket purchase". I walked quickly through different windows and finished four tickets in less than five minutes. Looking back at the dark crowd, I was shocked by my amazing efficiency.
As soon as I entered the door, the flowing water gurgled, and the four characters "Fang Jun Post Station" came into view with great momentum.
Turn east, pass the ticket gate and enter the park smoothly. On a sunny day, colorful hydrogen balloons are swinging in the sky, as if to say, "Friends, everything is a new era, a new world and a new life. The days are new! Everything here is also new! "
Let's take a close-up of the black swan. Look! The husband advocates that women obey and feel at ease. Willow trees are shaded, pavilions and pavilions, and the water in the pool is like blue, which is a paradise.
Walking along the east side, you can see a circular building, and you can see otters, raccoons, raccoons, porcupines and other animals in turn. To tell the truth, fortunately, there are signs hanging outside each cage, otherwise a lot of things will really happen.
Although it is autumn, the temperature is still high. The reinforced concrete floor, exposed to the scorching sun, allows small animals to hide and seek a cool place to live. Still the fox is clever and calm, and I am motionless, closing my eyes and resting like a fairy teacher.
Walking to the northwest, I saw a lovely kangaroo, and it seemed that a children's song sounded in my ear. "Mother kangaroo has a bag with a baby kangaroo in it. The baby kangaroo loves her mother."
As it is known in advance, it is not surprising that the giant panda and giraffe can't make it during the eleventh period. There are always many things in the world that are not worth worrying about. If you can't see the real thing, go to the stall in the garden and look at the fake one.
"Bear! Look, "a young voice shouted. I looked at it carefully. It's good to finally meet the big guy. There are many bears, more than a dozen, scattered in different animal houses, calling friends. Walking back and forth with a huge body, it is no stranger to see tourists.
An artist made Tang Hua in the park, and no one watched. His skillful and calm manner attracted many children.
Since it is an animal and botanical garden, there are animals, and of course there are plants. The plants in the park are not zoned, but planted between animal houses. There are no signs, and I can't call them accurately. I hope it will be perfect in the future. It is worth mentioning that there are a large number of bonsai in various colors. To quote the words of Mr. Gong Zizhen, a saint, "The beauty of a tree is fun, and it is straight without posture; Take beauty as beauty, and the law has no scenery; Sparse is beautiful and secret is stateless. " The bonsai here is like this.
There are five or six tigers in the park, and most of them are asleep. It's almost noon, which is probably a hint, "We are starving. When can we give our king dinner?" Of course, there are exceptions, such as the one we saw, who is entrenched there, shaking his head slowly, and has the momentum of a king in the mountains.
Water curtain cave, seeing these three words, Po Hou's voice came from a distance, "Hi! I am the Tathagata Buddha, Jade Emperor and Guanyin Bodhisattva, and I was ordered to take the special envoy of the Western Classics, Huaguoshan, water curtain cave, the Monkey King, Qitian, Sheng Da and the Monkey King! Haha, from myth to reality, the Monkey King is long gone, but his disciples and grandchildren have always been with us.
The most docile animals in the park are lovely alpacas and sika deer. Their black eyes are glowing, round and big, blinking as if talking to you. People who are close to others are always easy to get close to, and so are animals. Those gentle eyes instantly hit your heart.
I'm really glad you came on this trip. Various animals wave after wave. There are docile herbivores, such as zebras, camels and elephants, and many perverse ones, such as blue wildebeests, brown hyenas and lions.
We have almost finished visiting the animal area, so let's go on visiting the bird area.
Ostrich, heron, red heron, long-tailed chicken, golden pheasant with red belly, parrot ... line up from north to south. See people dazzling, really dazzling.
Amusement park occupies a very important part in the park, and all kinds of amusement equipment are varied, screaming and cheering. Basically, zoos, botanical gardens and amusement parks are three pillars.
Walking around, I don't know it's past noon, my heels are so tired and sore that many animals and plants don't go into details one by one. Although reluctant, I still want to say goodbye to the zoo and botanical garden.
It's always different to get together. Goodbye, my Longkou Zoo and Botanical Garden. Eleventh is a day to be celebrated every year. This eleventh in 20 17 is different for me because of you.