2. Those who are unconscious must be consistent with the second surname, and they will go to the temple to inherit the future generations, so the gentleman must pay attention to it. So the host entertained the guests in the temple, asking for names, Najib, recruiting soldiers and inviting them. Marriage has always been a culture of China in China, because the ancients paid attention to the match made in heaven, so they paid attention to it before, during and after the wedding.
3, getting married at night is closer to the wedding night, especially in the Qing Dynasty, before the wedding night of the ancients, it takes a while for a man to propose a toast to the guests, and it also takes a while to receive the bride's gift. After the bride salutes, she goes back to her room and waits for the groom to uncover her hijab, which is often what the groom expects most. So evening is the best time. It is not good to be late or leave early.