At a banquet, the host usually calls the roll and passes it on to the guests. After receiving the greeting guests, guests usually say some self-introduction words to show their respect for the host and other guests. When using the welcome bone, it should be noted that after receiving the bone, it should not be placed on the table, but should be inserted into the mixing spoon of the cup or held in the hand to show respect and courtesy.
Bone-topping guest is not only a banquet project, but also has profound cultural connotation. In the ancient traditional culture of China, welcoming guests is symbolic, representing "backbone" and "courtesy". It symbolizes that people should maintain good moral habits, pay attention to etiquette when interacting with others, and pursue honest and harmonious interpersonal relationships. In modern society, although welcoming guests is not as widely used as in ancient times, the humanistic spirit behind it is still worth inheriting and carrying forward.