As soon as I entered the gate, I saw the playground in front. There are sports equipment and flower beds on the playground. Sports equipment is on the right of the gate. There are plastic runways, horizontal bars and sand piles. After class, the students rushed to the sports equipment to play, and they were reluctant to part after ringing the bell. The flower bed is on the left of the gate. The flowers on the two magnolia trees are in full bloom, and the white petals are like white dresses. When the breeze blows, the flowers dance. The white rose next to Magnolia is like a graceful fairy, smiling on the branch. It feels good to walk in.
A little further inside, you will reach the Great Wall and the Gate Tower. The most striking thing is the Great Wall, which is gray and uneven. Seen from a distance, how spectacular. It symbolizes the indomitable spirit and wisdom of the people of China. According to teachers, this long city wall has a history of more than 20 years. The playground floor is light green, like a large green lawn. Surrounded by red bricks, it means that we love and protect nature.
Go in and you will see a tall teaching building with five floors. Each classroom has a TV, an electric fan and a cupboard. There are many books on the cupboard. Every teaching window is bright and clean, and the first floor is spotless. The students and teachers decorated the classroom beautifully.
This is my beautiful and lovely campus. This is where I studied and grew up. I love my campus.