1. A citizen of Changsha complained that Wuliangye used for the wedding banquet was fake wine.
Mr. Li in Changsha had a headache when he hosted his own wedding banquet. It turned out that Mr. Li signed a corresponding contract with the marriage and love company. When catering, this contract was signed with a wine merchant. He bought 18 sets of corresponding liquor products, but in the end he received a lot of Wuliangye fake wine, which made Mr. Li very angry himself. It is an insult to yourself that fake wine can flow into your own banquet. Although the dealer is willing to pay 20 thousand yuan at present, Mr. Li is still firm.
Second, the reasons for the circulation of fake wine in the marriage market
Anyway, in fact, this kind of fake wine circulation is a relatively common phenomenon. The marriage market is often dominated by some marriage companies. When some dealers cooperate with them, marriage and love companies often have no professional qualifications to conduct audits, which eventually leads to dealers' behavior of confusing the real with the fake. In the case that most guests don't care about the authenticity of the wine, dealers can naturally fish in troubled waters, but if they encounter difficulties, it is also a good idea to send them away with corresponding compensation.
Third, the way of compensation: prosecution compensation
According to the current compensation method of the dealer, the dealer is willing to compensate Mr. Li for 20 thousand yuan, but Mr. Li obviously doesn't want to use this figure to get things done hastily. Mr. Li thinks that his marriage and love process is extremely important and has a lot of face. Fake wine appeared at his wedding banquet, which was a slap in the face. Naturally, he didn't think that a compensation of 20,000 yuan would get things done. This means that Mr. Li does not accept the settlement of the dealer. Finally, Mr. Li wanted to make corresponding compensation and had to sue.