(Cao Gui) Q: "Why did you fight?" Zhuang Gong said, "I dare not enjoy the food and clothing I have for my health, but I must share it with you." Answer: "small favors can't be spread to the public, and people won't follow suit." Duke Zhuang said, "If you dare not quote more, you must be honest and trustworthy." Answer: "small honesty is not credit, and God will not bless you." Zhuang Gong said: "Even if a lawsuit (big or small) cannot be thoroughly investigated, it must be judged to be reasonable." Answer: "Loyalty (loyalty to the duties as a king) can be used to fight a war." Please let me go to war with you. "
Zhuang Gong asked him to sit in the same chariot and fight in the ladle. Zhuang Gong wanted to beat the drum and said, "No." Qi people beat the drums three times (later) and said, "You can beat the drums." Qi was defeated. Duke Zhuang is going to chase the Qi army by car. Cao Gui said, "Not yet." Get off the bus and look at the enemy's car prints. Climb the crossbar in front of the bus and look at the enemy (behind) and say, "You can pursue." So he chased the qi army.
After defeating (the enemy), Duke Zhuang asked him why. Answer: "Fighting depends on courage. Beating gongs and drums for the first time will boost morale; Beating gongs and drums again will weaken morale; When you beat gongs and drums for the third time, your morale will be exhausted. The enemy's morale is exhausted, and our morale is full, so we can defeat them. Qi is a vast and unpredictable country. I'm afraid there will be an ambush. I saw that their car prints were messy, and the flags were dragged backwards, so I chased them. "
2. Classical Chinese-Drum Music Playing Folk Songs (Translation) Original:
Li, the king of Chu, had a policeman. In order to beat the drums, he was on the defensive with the people. When he was drunk, he hit when he passed by, which made people feel scared and couldn't stop. He said, "I'm drunk, playing around, but I can't beat it." All of them. Staying for a few months, with the police, beating gongs and drums, and the people not going, is more convincing to the people.
Li, the king of Chu, agreed with the people that if they met the enemy, they would beat the drums and call everyone to guard the city.
One day, King Lee was drunk. He picked up a drumstick and struck it hard. When people heard the drums, they all ran in panic. Li, the king of Chu, quickly sent someone to stop him and said, "I was drunk, playing drums and playing with people around me." This drum is wrong, please go home! "
Hearing this, people all went back.
After a few months, the enemy really invaded, and King Li quickly beat gongs and drums, which sounded the alarm. But people thought that Li Guowang was joking with everyone again, so no one came to guard the city. King Li had to change the original order and restate the warning signal, and the people believed it.
Moral: Never play tricks on important things. If you joke about principles, you will lose your trust in the people and cause great disaster.
Huang Zan's bosom friend, the smell made people call him from time to time, got angry, and sent envoys to find him. When you get to the temple and smell the drums, the worshippers will not order the newspaper. After a while, he asked the courtier, "Is the slave here?" Don't say that. After the song was finished, Qin changed a song, only thirty or forty times, and then I went in. He asked, "Where are you going?" He said, "If relatives and friends are suitable, send them to the suburbs." Shang Qizhi. When the drum was finished, he said, "I'm a little late." When I am always angry, I will definitely complain. " I've been thinking about it for more than 50 days, doing it at sunrise and resting at sunset. "Thank you very much. There are lovers and jokes in the official. Go to court. If you have something to talk about, listen to the drums and so on. Ask questions. When it comes to anger and venting anger, there is no shortage of words. He was shocked and snapped, "My heart, spleen and bones are in trouble. How can I expect a servant to hear about a snare drum? "What do you call me now?" Chuo walked down the steps, bowed to the north and said loudly, "I offered a golden rooster!" " "Just laughed.
Huang Zanzhuo is proficient in music. The emperor once sent for him, but he didn't arrive on time. The emperor was very angry and sent people to find him one after another. After Huang Zanchuo arrived, he went to the temple and heard that the emperor was playing Jie drum, trying to stop the announcer from informing him. After a while, the emperor asked his attendants again, "Is my slave here?" Huang Zan Chuo stopped reporting again. The emperor played one song and changed another. Huang Zan ran into the temple just after hitting thirty times. The emperor asked, "Where to?" He replied, "I will send some relatives and friends to the suburbs when they are away." The emperor nodded. When the drums ended, the emperor said to him, "It's a good thing you came late. If you come early when I am angry, I will beat you!" " ! I just thought about it. Has served me for more than 50 days. If I go out temporarily, I have to let him go out to my relatives and friends. "After Huang Zan thanked Chuo, some eunuchs snickered in a low voice. When the emperor asked them what they were laughing at, they described in detail that Huang Zanchuo arrived shortly after the emperor called him, only listening to the drums and waiting for an opportunity to come in. When the emperor asked him, he said that when the emperor was angry and the fire was gone, he was right. The emperor thought he was unusual, so he sternly said to him, "how can servants and slaves expect what is in my heart when they hear the drums?" "Now tell me what I'm thinking?" Huang Zan-chuo ran down the steps of the temple, bowed to the north, and loudly replied, "Order me to make a golden rooster forgive!" " The emperor smiled and the matter was forgotten.
4. Appreciation of China's Classical Mi Fei Drum Music Translation It turns out that Mi Fei was demoted as a drum official by Wei Wu.
In the first half of the first month of the first month, I took an examination of drums, and the title was "Yuyang Mixed Old". There is gold in Yuanyuan, and four people sit down and change their faces. Kong Rong said, "Calling a crime is trivial, and you can't invent the dream of a king."
Wei Wu was ashamed and forgave it. Mi Fei was punished as a drummer by Cao Cao, Emperor Wu of Wei.
When meeting with conference guests in mid-August, it is necessary to test the sound quality of drums. Miheng waved a drumstick and played the song "Yu Yang Hun Lao". The drums are deep and there is a sound of stones. The drums shook the whole house.
Kong Rong said: "Mi Heng's sin is the same as that in Wu Ding's dream, but it can't trigger Wang Wei's dream." Wei Wudi was ashamed and pardoned Mi Fei.
The appreciation of the full text shows Mi Fei's spirit of not giving in to the powerful by describing Mi Fei's appearance, posture, movements and tragic and moving rhythm of drum music.
5. Classical Chinese Translation Classical Chinese Enlightenment Reader 95 translated by Deng Youbao
Deng You, Jin people also. A younger brother died young, but only one son, called "Chinaman". During the turmoil, the Hu people invaded the capital and plundered cattle and horses. Deng You killed his wife. When the food ran out, the thief forced him and said to his wife, "My brother has long died, but there are survivors. Now he is going to give birth to two children and die." If you abandon your children, you will leave with the adherents. " The wife cried like rain. You said, "Don't cry, we are still strong, and we will have children in the future." The wife followed it.
Deng You was from the Jin Dynasty. Deng You's younger brother died very early, leaving a child named Chinaman. When the society was in turmoil, the northern conference semifinals invaded the capital and robbed the animals. Deng You escaped with his wife and children. The food is gone, and the conference semifinals are chasing it. Deng You said to his wife, "My brother died young, leaving only one child. If we run for our lives with our two children, we will all die. Why don't we leave our children and elope with the adherents? " The wife burst into tears after hearing this. Deng You comforted her and said, "Don't cry, we are still young, and there will be children in the future." The wife finally agreed.
Translation of Small Characters in Classical Chinese Enlightenment Reader
During the reign of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, a man used a box to play rubbings. There is a little man hidden in the box. The little man is about a foot tall. Someone put money in the box, and the magician opened the box and let the villain sing. After singing, the villain returned to the box. When the magician arrives at the palace, the person in charge of the palace will give the box to the magician, take it to the office, and carefully ask where the young people in the box are from. The villain was afraid to say at first. The person in charge asked again and again, and the young man told himself where he came from and which family he belonged to. It turned out that this little man was a primary school student. After he came back from the private school teacher, he was anesthetized by the magician. The magician then gave him medicine that greatly reduced his limbs; The magician picked him up and took him around as a tool for fun. Knowing this, the person in charge of Gong Ye was furious and killed the magician with a stick.
Li was a friend when he was young. Ten years later, the two met on the road. Li extended his stay to his home and killed chickens as food. Drunk again, abdominal pain, sweating like rain. Mr. Li and Mrs. Li are very scared. They want to call for treatment. Huang Sheng stubbornly stopped, thinking that there was no harm in relapse. If Li doesn't listen, he will leave. It was a heavy rain, the sky was dark, the mountain road was rugged and the road was slippery. Take the doctor home after midnight. Moxibustion can be cured when it is less. Huang Sheng said, "You have suffered for me! How should I report it? " Mr. Li and Mrs. Li said that you are my friend, so you should care about me. What are you talking about? "The next day, Huang Sheng said goodbye.
Lesson 102 Translation of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Huang Sheng was Li's childhood friend. Ten years later, the two met on the road. Li invited him home to kill the chicken and cook. But soon after eating, Huang Sheng's stomach was very painful, and he shed sweat as big as a bean. Mr. Li and Mrs. Li are very scared and are going to call a doctor (soon). Huang Sheng insisted on not letting them go, saying it was an old habit and it didn't matter. Li refused to listen and insisted on calling a doctor. It was raining heavily, it was dark, the mountain road was rugged and the road was slippery. After midnight, I came back with the doctor. The doctor gave (Huang Sheng) acupuncture, and it will be all right after a while. Huang Sheng (to Li) said, "You have suffered for me! What can I do to repay you? " Mr. Li and Mrs. Li said that you are my friend and should be taken care of and treated patiently. Why do you say these things? "It cleared up the next day and Huang Sheng left.
6. The translator of classical Chinese is a monarch, and I forget what country he is. Looks like Duke Lu. Gong He is on a chariot. They are fighting to the death with the Qi army. Gong wants to beat the drum March and say, "No". The Qi army beat the drums three times (that is, marched three times) and said, "You can beat the drums (March). Cao Gui said, "No". He got out of the car and looked at the rut marks left by the defeat of the Qi army. He boarded the stone (that is, the thick bar used to make handrails in front of ancient chariots, and forgot how to translate it) and said, "Yes." So he chased the Qi army. After defeating the enemy, he asked Cao Gui why he did it. Cao Gui replied, "It takes courage to fight. "
The enemy's morale is exhausted, and our morale is full, so we can defeat them. Great powers are unpredictable, and there may be an ambush.
I saw that their car prints were messy, and the battle flag was dragging backwards, so I chased it. "。
7. Gaozu is a native of Fengyi County, Pei County, and his surname is Liu.
My father is Taigong and my mother is Liu Wei (M: O, coat). Before Gaozu was born, Liu Wei had rested on the shore of osawa and had intercourse with God in his dream.
There was lightning and thunder, and it was dark. Taigong just went to see her and saw a dragon on her. Soon, Liu Wei became pregnant and gave birth to Gaozu.
Gaozu is a man with a high nose, a dragon face, a beautiful beard and 72 moles on his left leg. He is kind, caring, charitable and open-minded.
He always has the temperament of doing great things and does not do the productive labor of ordinary people. As an adult, he tried to be an official and became the director of Surabaya Pavilion. He cheated all the officials in the government office.
He likes drinking, which is very feminine. I often go to Wang Wei and Five Blessingg to drink on credit. When I get drunk, I lie down and sleep. When Wu Fu and Wang Fu saw that dragons often appeared on him, they thought this man was very strange.
Every time Gaozu goes to buy wine and stays in the store to drink, the number of people who buy wine will increase and the number of wines sold will reach several times that of usual. Seeing the strange phenomenon of the dragon, at the end of the year, the two families broke the bill of account and stopped collecting money from Gaozu.
Gaozu once went to Xianyang to be a corvee. Once Qin Shihuang went on a patrol, which made people watch at will. When he saw Qin Shihuang, he sighed and said, "Alas, a gentleman should be like this!" " The single father (shàn incarnation, Fu Shan) has a close relationship with the county magistrate of Pei County, so he went to the county magistrate to live in a guest house and settled in Pei County. When the heroes and officials in Peizhong heard that the county magistrate had a distinguished guest, they all went to congratulate him.
At that time, Xiao He was an official of the county magistrate, responsible for accepting gifts. He said to the gift-giving guest, "If the gift is less than 1000 yuan, let him sit under the hall." When Gao Zu was a curator, he always looked down on these officials, so he lied on the famous card he visited that he was "Congratulations on making a fortune of 10 thousand", but he didn't bring any money.
Pass the business card, Lv Gong was surprised when he saw the high-impedance. He got up quickly and went to the door to meet him. Lv Gong is a person who likes to look at faces. When he saw Gao Zu's appearance, he respected him very much and took him to the classroom to sit down.
Xiao He said: "Liu Ji always talks big and rarely achieves anything." Gaozu took the opportunity to tease the guests and simply sat at the top of the table, without humility at all.
I had a good time drinking, so Lv Gong winked at Gaozu and asked him to stay. Gaozu stayed after drinking. Lv Gong said: "I like face-to-face interviews since I was a child. I have interviewed more people face to face. Liu Jili, your face is unparalleled. I hope you cherish it.
I have a daughter who is willing to be your wife and son. At the end of the banquet, Ai Lu was furious with Lv Gong and said, "You always wanted this daughter to get ahead at the beginning and betrothed her to a noble.
Pei county magistrate hello, you also don't agree to marry this daughter. Why did you just give her to Liu Ji today? Lv Gong said: "This is not what women know." . I finally married my daughter to Liu Ji.
Lv Gong's daughter is Lv Hou, who gave birth to Emperor Xiaohui and Princess Luyuan. When Gao zu was a curator, he often took time off to go home and go to the fields.
Once, Lv Hou and his children were weeding in the field, and an old man passed by and asked him for water. Lv Hou made him drink water and gave him food. The old man had a face-to-face interview with Lv Hou and said, "Madam is really a noble person in the world."
Lv Hou asked him to see the two children again. When he met the filial Huidi, he said, "My wife is so outstanding because of this boy." He also made a face for Yuan Lu, which is also a rich face.
After the old man left, Gaozu happened to come out of the next house. Just now, Lv Hou took the old man through here, showed them fortune-telling, and told them that their mother and son were both very rich, and truthfully told Gaozu. Gaozu asked where the man was, and Lv Hou said, "Not far."
So Gaozu went after the old man and asked him what had just happened. The old man said, "Just now, I saw that your wife and children look like you, and their faces are simply expensive." Gaozu thanked him and said, "If it is as the old man said, I will never forget your kindness."
When great-grandfather became rich, he never knew where the old man was going. Gaozu liked to wear a hat made of bamboo when he was a pavilion director. He asked the police in charge of catching thieves to do it in the snow. He often wears it. Later, he became a dignitary and still wears it often.
What people call "Liu's crown" refers to this kind of hat. Gaozu escorted his disciples to Li Mountain as a curator, and many of them escaped halfway.
Gaozu estimated that when he reached Mount Li, he all fled, so when he reached Fengxi osawa, he stopped to drink and released all the prisoners at night. Gaozu said, "Run for your lives, and I'll fly away from here!" "There are more than a dozen strong men in the army who are willing to follow him.
Gaozu, drunk, took a path through the swamp at night and let one go first. The person who walked in front came back and reported, "There is a big snake on the road ahead. I'd better go back."
Gaozu was drunk and said, "There is nothing to be afraid of when a gentleman walks!" So he rushed to the front and drew his sword to cut the snake. The snake was split in two, the road was opened, and he continued walking for several miles. He was lying on the ground drunk. The man behind came to the place where the snake was cut and saw an old woman crying in the dark.
Someone asked her why she was crying, and the old woman said, "Someone killed my child, and I am crying for him." Someone asked, "Why was your child killed?" The old woman said, "My child is Bai Di's son. He turned into a snake and stood in the middle of the road. Now he was killed by Chi Di's son. That's why I cry. "
Everyone thought the old woman was lying and was about to hit her when she suddenly disappeared. The man behind caught up with Gaozu, and Gaozu woke up.
Those people told Gaozu what had just happened, and Gaozu was secretly happy and more conceited. His followers grew afraid of him.
Qin Shihuang once said: "There is a cloud in the southeast, symbolizing the son of heaven", so he toured the East and tried to suppress it. Gaozu suspected that he was carrying this cloud, so he fled outside the city and hid between Mangshan Mountain and Dangshan Mountain.
Lv Hou and others to find, often can find him. Gaozu asked her strangely how she could find it. Lv Hou said, "No matter where you are, there is always a cloud overhead. If you follow, you will often find you. "
High-impedance heart more joy. Some young people in Pei county have heard of it, so Xu.
8. Dai Kui, the classical Chinese translated by Dai Kui, is from Qiao County.
When I was young, I was smart, savvy and knowledgeable. Good at playing drums and piano, good at painting and calligraphy.
When he was a child, he ground the broken white tile into pieces, beat a lot of eggs, filtered off the yolk, and then mixed the white tile ash into the egg white and rubbed it repeatedly. Finally, he made a monument and named it "Zheng Xuan Monument". He also wrote the inscription himself and carved it on the monument with a knife. People who saw this monument were amazed and thought that this little thing "the beauty of words and the essence of musical instruments" was once circulated among the people as a beautiful talk.
He is very good at painting ancient landscape paintings. When I was a teenager, I painted in the crock temple.
When Wang Meng saw this, he said, "Dai Kui can not only draw pictures, but also be famous in the future. He is also a scholar of mountains and rivers. I hate that I will not see his glory. " .