Beiwuzhuang Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Wen Xi Village, Linzhang County, Handan City, Hebei Province. The urban-rural classification code is 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 1304232062 15, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 130423. Postal code 056600, long-distance telephone area code 03 10, license plate number Ji D. Beiwuzhuang Village is adjacent to Changxiang Village, Caocun Village, Liutaichang Village, Hezhuang Village, Nixinzhuang Village, Renshou Village, Cheng Dinghua Village, Bantang Village, Ma Xinzhuang Village, Luoantai Village, Shangliu Village, Nuclear taoyuan village Village, Dongtaiping Village and Mingyangtun Village.
Near Beiwuzhuang Village, there are tourist attractions such as Jinpengcheng Site, Yecheng Site, Guiguzi Memorial Hall, Tongquetai and Linzhang Buddha Museum, and there are special foods such as Linzhang mutton soup, Linzhang rex rabbit, covered sesame seed cake, Huangxinzhuang sliced meat and Liuyuan fried blood.