For the student party, some people with slight disabilities are more suitable to do some part-time jobs that can be controlled by simple manual labor, such as handing out leaflets, or arranging waiters, cashiers, table and chair props at the venue, or cleaning. They can accomplish these tasks through simple manual labor, and they don't need your good physical coordination ability such as flexible hands and feet and quick response. Bian Xiao had a part-time job as a waiter or distributing leaflets when he was in college. Moreover, I can also arrange part-time jobs on weekends, so as to avoid the time of study and class and achieve the purpose of learning part-time jobs to make money.
In addition to these part-time jobs, special groups can also try online part-time jobs. These part-time jobs can generally be completed by computer networks, such as doing some part-time jobs in registration, questionnaire survey or writing. The advantage of this part-time job is that you don't have to run around, just move your fingers at home. Simple, right?