Put it in a few days after we die and bury it. Inform relatives and friends to give gifts when they are buried, and the money varies. Give a banquet to entertain guests. You must rent a buzzer. I took 10 thousand or 20 thousand when I did it The rich do better, but the poor are almost poor. How many things to do according to your own conditions. So I will pay special attention to it after I meet it. In addition, I experienced my grandmother's death six years ago, so I know something about the funeral in the countryside. Here, I simply share with you a custom in rural Henan. Only when the son kneels beside the cemetery and everything is all right can he run back to his home without looking back. Whoever gets home first, who has more sons, will be rich later. A little superstitious, but no one has broken this rule for decades. Let's mourn for the old man.
Relatives cried when they arrived, and when they settled down, they sang songs of filial piety and read eulogies. The singer who sings the filial son's song sings from the aspects of current affairs and politics, folk customs and equality in life, and also sings a few drums with rhythm. It used to be buried, but now it is buried according to national regulations. There used to be a grave, but now it's a flat head. After the first seven days of burial, the villagers will help each other deal with the affairs of the elderly. It is also slowly ignored and omitted. People can't come back to life after death. We'll talk about it after death. Everything is for people to see. If you really have a heart, spend more time with your elders when they are alive. How filial!