Rural Economy in Xinle Village
The total rural economic income of this village in 20 1 1 year is 6,309,000 yuan, including 3,486,000 yuan for planting and 94,200 yuan for animal husbandry (including 757 pigs1head, 8 beef cattle1head and 928 mutton sheep). Forestry income is 0,000 yuan, secondary and tertiary industry income is 420,000 yuan, and wage income is 560,000 yuan. The per capita net income of farmers is 3060.00 yuan, and farmers' income mainly comes from planting, aquaculture and labor services. The income of migrant workers in the village is 560,000 yuan, including 350 migrant workers all the year round, 340 migrant workers in the province and migrant workers outside the province 10.