The decapitated dragon is different from the general cloth dragon. Its obvious feature is that the faucet is separated from the dragon body. Duan Long is similar to a cloth dragon, and is connected by a cloth belly. The faucet is separated, and a red cloth one foot wide and two feet long is placed behind the faucet neck. During the performance, the dragon body followed the dragon ball out of various formations, and then the dragon body put out various formations as a foil. Dragon balls or faucets can perform one set after another independently. Every time the dragon body changes a figure array, the dragon head and the dragon ball dance out a set of postures. When the pearl is the head and the Dragon Boat Festival follows, the whole dragon seems to be connected naturally. When the dragon body forms a character array and the dragon ball performs alone, the head and body naturally separate. The performance of the dragon ball is not limited to the slender and huge body. The whole dance is flexible and changeable. The performance was neat and light. The atmosphere is warm and the scene is spectacular, which is dizzying.
The performance of the decapitated dragon imitates the movements and forms of the dragon, which is magnificent and gives people a deterrent. Due to the separation of head and body, it increases the flexibility in the use of props, and is original in action design, creating a broken and endless aesthetic feeling. Coupled with the anecdotes and legends of the decapitated dragon, it is full of drama in content and heavy feeling in psychological level, which has brought double shock to the audience's vision and mind.
Dragon-cutting performance has a set of traditional customs. Traditional activities are generally concentrated in the first month, from the beginning of the first month to the end of the twelfth month, with typical regional festival cultural characteristics. People in the village spontaneously organized the Dragon Lantern Festival. On the day before the performance, the Dragon Lantern Festival sent people to each household to post red cards with auspicious words such as "Qinglong Qing Ji", "Congratulations on the New Year", "Good harvests" and "good weather". The next day, the poster and another person carried lanterns with the words "Lucky in the Dragon", a basket containing incense, sausages, firecrackers and other things, and another gift basket ready to accept gifts from dragon dancers, such as cigarettes, cakes, eggs and "market bags", and led the dragon dance team to perform in various villages.