Wedding ceremony. In ancient times, it was held at dusk, so it was called because the alternation of yin and yang meant gradual change. There are six kinds of ancient weddings: receiving gifts, asking names, Naji, receiving gifts, inviting parties and meeting in person. In the Book of Rites, the form and significance of China's ancient stupefaction ceremony are described in detail: "Those who are stupefaced by the ceremony must conform to the interests of the two surnames and continue to serve the temple from top to bottom, so the gentleman is more important. So the host entertained the guests in the temple, asking for names, Najib, recruiting soldiers and inviting them. Entering, leaving, ascending and obeying the temple, so respecting precepts is also unconscious. Wedding is one of the essences of traditional culture in China. China people's wedding, red sedan chair, mighty guard of honor, worshipping heaven and earth, lifting the hijab, wearing "rockhopper gown", "pursuing cultural roots and attaching importance to traditional folk customs" have become the new "fashion" of modern people. This is China's wedding. Learn more about Chinese wedding references:/sentry _152.html.